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Are we to expect a Patch v1.2?

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  • Are we to expect a Patch v1.2?

    There are still a few issues left unresolved from 1.1...
    [*]Such as the unwieldy nature of the Rules.txt to ignore any changes made to the restrict technology section after the first save as a scenario (which one must do to ensure the Animations work properly). (@LEADERS2)
    [*]About the animations, one has to start their game up in the original directory to disable them. Once in the new directory, they are uneditable in the scenario.
    [*]Various (ToT scenario) bugs identified already on this webboard... will they be cleared up?


  • #2
    As things stand right now, there are no plans to make a second patch for Test of Time. I don't know all the reasons behind that decision, but I know the primary one is that the ToT programmers are now working very hard on their next game, which I think will be a very pleasant surprise to the folks here. I wish I could say more, but I can't.


    • #3
      Wow! Talk about leaving us hanging, John!

      Before you worked for Hasbro, did you write those cliff hanger TV serials?


      • #4
        As mentioned above there are definitely many items in TOT that still need to be patched. Some effecting gameplay, others graphics.
        And NO plans whatsever on patcing them !!!
        Why ?? poor sales ??
        Well, guess I'll have another beer coaster soon.
        Thanks MP.!!!
        I'll keep this in mind with your next product.


        • #5
          Sales have never (to my knowledge) been a deciding issue when deciding how many patches to create for a game. The factors we have to weigh are the seriousness of the problems in the game, how many of them there are, and--most important--the time it would take the programmers to do the work of fixing them.

          The reality that the folks here see is that, yes, there are some remaining bugs, but most players (unlike the pros who tend to post here) will never be troubled by them. Also, some of those remaining problems are legacy issues from the original Civ II, which don't seem to have bothered folks too much before now.

          I'm not a particularly business-savvy guy, but I can see how this is just a sensible business decision. Do you put valuable programmer time into a patch that may or may not satisfy a small minority of the players, or do you spend that time toward developing the next game--which will satisfy the other 99%? I'm not saying I agree with the decision to stop putting out ToT patches, but I can understand it.


          • #6
            Is it MoM2?:-)

            St. Leo
            Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


            • #7
              I'd rather have another MoO

              Moo 3D

              I have a whole 50k text file I wrote just full of ideas for a 3rd Moo.


              • #8
                Well, if I get to work on any future MoO games, you can bet I'll be asking you for that file.

