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To Micropose crew and TOT Scenario designers.

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  • To Micropose crew and TOT Scenario designers.

    I have a small question referring to the use of the multiple maps. Is it possible to destroy a map using the Events.txt file? Or delete the map and move on to the next map. I'm creating a Scenario which after you capture a city, you move on to Map 2. Map 1 is then deleted. Help me out here.... Thanks......Civfan
    Civfan (Warriorsoflight)

  • #2
    Check with Giant Squid's scenario. I know he obliterates the first map. But unfortunately, any units on the map are wasted as well.

    But you can't force any units immediately to the next map. you could give them native teleport ability for a few turns so the user could move them first.... but that could be trouble


    • #3
      Just off the top of my head, I would ChangeTerrain the whole map to a prepared wasteland of some sort that produces nothing (ocean would work, too, but there's a bizarre possible bug with that that I hope no one ever runs into); create a few units on the new map, just to make sure that everyone I want represented there actually makes it; then cut off all transport routes to the old map using events that change the transport possibilities in @Units_Advanced.


      • #4
        Hey guys thanks for responding. I did the same thing as Giant Squid did in his scenario. I also changed the units abilites in the Rules.txt so they wouldn't be able to transport back there. Thanks guys for responding and Giant Squid for the idea. It truly makes the game much more interesting. I mean two games in one ability.
        Civfan (Warriorsoflight)


        • #5
          John P

          What bizarre bug are you referring to? can it be exploited by scenario designers?


          • #6
            Depends on what you mean by "exploited".

            Here's the situation: let's say there's a certain piece of land that you intend to ChangeTerrain into Ocean. If the ChangeTerrain rectangle (maprect) encompasses the whole continent/island, plus a couple of squares, you have no problems. However, let's say you're creating an inland sea. Somehow, unforeseen by you, the AI or player manages to build a city exactly on the edge of the area you change. There's where the problem shows up. When the terrain is changed, any city right on the edge is destroyed and disappears--but because of this bizarre glitch, it's not always completely gone. Total conquest becomes impossible, because this "city" is just a data artifact--it produces nothing, etc.--but it can never be found or conquered. As usual, this little corruption of the game data can lead to further problems as the scenario goes on. I would have to strongly recommend against trying to use it intentionally in a scenario.

            We go out of our way in official scenarios to avoid this situation. One of the best ways is to clear the area with a land to land ChangeTerrain first, then come through with the water.


            • #7
              Does the changeterrain command wipe out the cities and units in the changed areas. If so there is no mention of it in the book.


              • #8
                Yes, change terrain is the poor man's nuke. Destroys it all.
                "You give a guy a crown and it goes straight to his head."


                • #9
                  He's right. Because ChangeTerrain modifies the underlying land (i.e. tile data), everything on a CT'd square is wiped out--terrain improvements (roads, et al), units, cities, and anything else. The possible exception is rivers; I haven't checked on that yet.


                  • #10
                    Civ2 Microprose folks....

                    Since you are here in this thread, I thought Id ask you personally... I really would like to play linked maps, but the new graphics are killing me. I dont recognize the units or the terrain in civTOT from 2.5 years of play. I was wondering if you guys could come up with a mod, that would make civTOT units and land, look like civMGE units and land. This way i could go back to enjoying the game. Sorry for barging into your thread like this...



                    • #11

                      Don't worry! you are not the only one who hates the new graphics. Fortunately, Mods have already been produced that will restore the classic look. You should be able to find them in the Apolyton downlaods section, or try Carls Scenario Page, the address is in
                      the links page.

