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  • citypref.txt?

    There's a file in the main subdirectory called "citypref.txt" but it doesn't have anything in it. According to the TOT guide, its the file for "instructions the domestic advisor follows when given control of a city."

    As the file was blank, I am not sure how to use it. Do you just list improvements in the order you want the computer to build them when put on "auto?" What is the way you have to enter data for this file?

  • #2
    From Readme.txt:

    "You may customize the domestic advisor's city improvement picks for the autobuild if you
    wish. Create a file in your Civ2 directory called CITYPREF.TXT. The first line should


    Each succeeding line contains the name of a city improvement in the order you want to
    build them. You don't have to list every city improvement, but each improvement must be
    spelled -exactly- as it is in RULES.TXT (foreign language versions use the exact
    spelling from RULES.FRE or RULES.GER as appropriate). Domestic advisor will then choose
    improvements from this list provided technology is available and city is otherwise
    eligible to build them. If nothing on list is available, advisor resorts to his normal
    algorithm. The military advisor will make his picks as usual. However, you can order him
    never to build "defensive" type units by inserting the line @NODEFEND at the beginning
    or end of the CITYPREF.TXT file (don't put it between the @AUTOBUILD line and the list
    of improvements). An example file:


    The file is re-read every time you click the "AUTO" button on the "What shall we build?"
    menu, so if you wish you can alter your priorities over the course of a game without
    The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power.

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    • #3
      What?!? They expect us to read the readme.txt file to find out stuff like that?!? Next thing you know, they'll be expecting us to read the manual. :-)

      Thanks for the info. It actually is something I wanted to see in Civ II - something like in Master of Orion II where you could give a colony a list of things to build so you didn't have to keep going back to it every time they built something.


      • #4
        Citypref.txt in ToT actually comes from CivII (it was a patch,
        just to clarify

