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Map Jumper Bug of TOT!

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  • Map Jumper Bug of TOT!

    Well, here's a new bug. If you have cities in two maps then all your units can jump between the two maps.

    Place your unit on a place where both maps are passible, select the unit so a yellow frame will flash around it. Now open a city's screen (the city is on the same map as your unit). Use the up-down arrow to change to a city of another map, then close the city screen. The place on this map corresponding to where the unit is will be in a white frame. now hit one of your arrow keys--Voila, the unit jumps to this map and start moving! This works even if the unit is forbidden in this map.

    TOT designers should have recruited me as a game tester (JK).

  • #2
    Eek! Have to try that one.


    • #3
      They should, Xin Yu, they really should. Send Firaxis a mail, will you!



      • #4
        He is right. I just did it. Moved a dreadnought to Funestis where it does not belong. This is a serious bug, John.


        • #5
          I just won in the extended game where several of my automated settler units somehow got transported to Centaurus during their movement turns. I don't know how they got there, but I think it had something to do with this bug. It happened after I had landed on Centaurus and I believe it happened when the automated settlers were supposed to move on Earth and the Centaurus map was still active on the screen.

          Unfortunatley, most of them were teleported right in the heart of the alien nations and were killed outright. Maybe it was alien abductions! I didn't even catch on to what was happenening at first, I just thought a rival had got to centaurus with colonists and I didn't hear about it. Then I noticed their colors were the same as mine (very hard to see colors these days on these icons) and then they got zapped by the aliens.

          This is indeed a major bug. After I noticed this, I was able to get a lot of settlers to Centaurus by putting them on automate on Earth and waiting for them to get magically transported to the other world.


          • #6
            i not know this like bug in CIV2


            • #7
              I'm alerting the programmers to this one. I can't promise that anything will come of it, but I can try.


              • #8
                Please get this fixed otherwise this is gonna spoil a whole lot of scenarios!!!


                • #9
                  Do the computer players do this?

