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First OCC with ToT?

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  • #16
    Lord Raven and skorpion59, I will send you the game. Not tonight because the net is very slow, but sometime this weekend.

    I reached AC in 1921 AD (have a save from 1920 AD), which should be fairly easy to beat. I was heading for a much earlier landing, but the Sioux and the Chinese started to bother me.

    In the end my glorious size 24 city (which had the default name Veii???) was down to 12 or 13, only improvement left was the factory and there were polluted squares everywhere. Global warming, severe drought, starvation and wave after wave of diplos and units...

    Didn't think I would make it, but I was wrong.



    • #17
      Carolus, I haven't yet the time to have a try at your game, but sooner or later I will.


      • #18
        My first OCC attempt, just to try it out. Extended game (still going!)Arrived Centaurus 1807. I am surprised that it was possible. Chieftain level. I normally play only diety. Literally no resistance from the AI's. I could have saved about 7 years if I had planned a little better when to convert from science to production. My site had whale, fish, buffalo, river, mostly grass and five forests, ocean port. Founded a little late, about 3200. I will try again at higher levels. What are the records for the different difficulty levels? I am sure the level makes a big difference.


        • #19
          Believe it or not, the record at deity is 1821 AD. Maybe it doesn't seem that good with your 1807 AD landing (congrats!) in mind, but deity makes a big difference.

          Please post your attempts at deity here, would be fun to read about.



          • #20
            Trancendance 1845 in the above game, with one city on Centaurus. I am not sure if there are OCC rules about that. It could have been done without a Centaurus city actually, once the ultrastring tech tree was activated.


            • #21
              Ok, I tried it.
              I think I'm doing well, but not the record:

              1) The starting site is good but not exceptional, there are at least 5 squares without trade (2 mountains and 3 hills).

              2) The AI were hostile toward me, I didnt get much money from them. And now they don't want to trade tech with me.

              3) Because of the lack of money, I built Copernicus quite late (after 1AD).

              Now I'm at least 10 turns behind my best performance (1827) and I think things will go even worse, but I hope for a landing in the last years of 18xx.


              • #22
                Last night I finished my first OCC with TOT
                with Carolus Rex's Map.
                I landed in 1882, so for the time being
                I'm the Record Keeper (as long as Paul hasn't TOT)
                Well, this time I logged the number of beakers required for every new tech, and I think I have found some weird things:
                1) Sometimes the number of beakers went down after I discovered a new tech.
                2) Sometimes, without reason, the number of beakers increased without the discovery of a new tech.
                3) Every time I got a tech from the AI, the number of beakers grew at a higher rate.

                If you like, I can publish the log (I logged only the beakers, not improvements and wonders)


                • #23
                  Congrats on your landing!

                  I would like to see the beaker log, but writing logs aren't exactly, hm, exciting

                  But if you have the time, please post it.



                  • #24
                    I have sent the file to everyone who wanted it.

                    Let me know if you didn't receive it.



                    • #25
                      Yes, writing log is boring...
                      But I had to check the number of beakers for micromanagement, so I logged them without effort. (I logged only beakers and "special" events).

                      Here is the log:

                      A single ? means "I'm not sure of it"
                      A multiple ???? means "I can't explain it"

                      As you can see, I followed a strange science path, I discovered Laser before Feudalism,
                      I delayed it because I tried to get/steal that tech from the AI, but I couldn't.
                      Please note that I didin't discovered chivarly, since I got Leadership form the AI.

                      Around 1700 the AI was very hostile toward me, they didn't trade techs and killed all my caravans and diplos, (for the first time I was forced to give them knowledge for a cease fire) but after I discovered Tactics they became as mild as a lamb.

                      In the end I couldn't rushbuy Apollo and spaceship components and modules, so my launch was delayed a lot, but the AI didn't annoy me.

                      3900? Horseman
                      3800? Archers
                      3700 Veii Founded , Next 10b
                      3550 Gh Currency -> Next 18b
                      3350 Gh Horseback riding ->Next 27
                      3300 Gh Trade -> Next 36b
                      3100 Meet Sioux , Map Making -> Next 45
                      2900 Gh Masonry -> Next 54
                      2700 Monarchy -> Next 70
                      2650 Govt Monarchy
                      2400? Caravan Hides
                      2300 Gh Tribe -> Reloading
                      2200 -> Next 84 Why ?????
                      2150 sioux -> Mysticism,100 gold -> Next 96
                      2050 Meet Chinese -> War
                      2000 gh Mathematics -> next 108
                      1950 Sioux -> Writing, 100 gold -> Next 120
                      1900 gh Horseman
                      1800 Meet German,Peace
                      1650 Construction -> Next 132
                      1600 gh Archer, Trade route Hides 80
                      1550 Colossus
                      1500 Meet English, 100 gold -> Next 168
                      1500 -> Next 121 Why ????
                      1350 Literacy -> Next 144
                      1200 Temple
                      950 Caravan
                      850 Republic -> Revolution -> Next 195
                      825 Govt Republic -> WLTPD Size 6
                      800 Caravan
                      750 Colosseum
                      700 Aqueduct
                      600 End WLTPD Size 12
                      575 Philosophy -> Astronomy
                      575 Germans -> Iron working
                      575 Egyptians -> Pottery
                      500 Library
                      450 Trade route Hides 200
                      425 Medicine -> Next 270
                      425 Trade route Silver 205
                      400 Bridge Building, Sioux -> Wheel, Next 400
                      350 Caravan
                      200 Engineering, next 420
                      1 AD Build Shakespeare, Sanitation -> Next 440
                      180 Build Sewer, Start WLTPD Size 12
                      220 Banking , Next 630, Trade route 400
                      260 Invention, Next 480 ????
                      380 End WLTPD Size 19
                      420 Democracy , 550 next
                      440 Govt Democracy, Next 500???
                      520 Gunpowder, next 520
                      580 University,next 540
                      640 Gravity , next 588
                      700 Metallurgy next 609
                      720 Next 696
                      760 Chemistry, next 630
                      820 Explosives, next 651
                      880 Conscription, next 672
                      900 Chinese, Seafearing next 726
                      940 Economics, next 748
                      1000 Navigation, next 735
                      1080 Phisycs,next 756
                      1160 Atomic Thoery, Next 814
                      1220 Steam Engine, next 836
                      1280 Railroad, next 858
                      1340 Industrialization, next 880
                      1360 Newton
                      1380 Magnetism, next 902
                      1420 Corporation, next 924
                      1460 Electricity, next 946
                      1500 Electronics, next 968
                      1520 Refrigeration, next 1080
                      1550 Steel next, 1104
                      1580 refining, 1128
                      1610 Combustion, 1152
                      1620 Darwin, Automobile, Mass Production, next 1200
                      1650 Nuclear Fission, 1224
                      1690 Nuclear Power, 1248
                      1710 Flight, next 1272
                      1730 Radio, next 1296
                      1752 Laser, Chinese Warrior Code, LeaderShip, next 1425
                      1758 Feudalism, 1450
                      1764 Tactics, 1475
                      1770 Polytheism, 1500
                      1776 Machine Tools, 1464 ????
                      1782 Advanced Flight, 1550
                      1788 Miniaturization, 1575
                      1794 Computers, 1600
                      1800 Mobile Warfare, 1625
                      1804 Robotics, 1650
                      1810 Rocketry, Egyptians Communism, 1768
                      1814 Space Flight, next 1794
                      1818 Plastics, next 1820
                      1824 Superconductor, Egyptians Monotheism, 1800 ?????
                      1830 Fusion Power
                      1867 Launch
                      1882 Land


                      • #26
                        C-Rex could you give me a copy of the OCC TOT game please.... would love to try it out. You may also be able to help me track down the old OCC 4 whales game as well. I want a crack at that too
                        Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


                        • #27
                          Sure, is the e-mail address in your profile OK?

                          I'll look for the four whale game too.



                          • #28
                            Yes C-Rex the email is valid and i found the 4whales but i can't play it. Damm winzip for some reason i unzip and then can't run the thing i unzipped I am very green when it comes to these sort of things hehe
                            Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


                            • #29
                              Can someone tell me where I can find the complete OCC rules now that is down?


                              • #30
                                You can find the rules and strategy tips in my OCC strategy guide at

                                If you want to know more about OCC you can also find many threads in the Civ2 Strategy forum.

