I tried this variant with a strange outcome. BY 2020, none of the Earth tribes had arrrived, so I continued playing. When they did arrive they were nowhere to be found. Is this a bug, or is the extended game dependent on one of the Earth tribes making it before 2020? Is there a workaround for this? Kind of disappointing after preparing for 6020 years!
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Playing as the aliens
Actually, I enjoyed playing as the aliens due to the rather different terrain. Question: would it be possible to allow an arbtitrary number of alien tribes rather than just one? Or is this a major change? It could then be possible to play a game exclusively on alien terrain with several tribes. You might consider for a future patch.
You can change it yourself. In rules.txt, there's a new section (@Initial_Settings) toward the end that specifies which map each tribe starts on. Of course, you'll have to come up with names for the new alien tribes you create, and your own names for the alien cities. (Some of the reviewers didn't care for mine.)
John, sorry to be so dense, but can you be more specific. I have attempted to change both the first and third digit in the rows (all are 0,0,3)but always get the same result, one Centaurian tribe and six Earth. How do a force an Earth tribe onto Centaurus? What do the map numbers 1,2,3,4 corrrespond to and which field defines them? ( It appears to be the first by the definition, but....).I don't see the three Centaurus tribes defined anywhere. What do the other two fields define?
First of all, make sure you're working with the rules.txt in the Extended Game folder (or a scenraio folder that is a subfolder of that folder).
In the @Initial_Settings section, the first number of every entry defines which map the tribe will start on. The maps in this case are numbered 0-3, so to put a tribe on Centaurus, you would give it an entry (1,x,y).
The "x" and "y" are the numbers of the starting units for the tribe. All tribes must start with a settler-type unit. The second unit can be anything you want.