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Unit Pay????

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  • Unit Pay????

    I'm building a new scenario and I'm interested in having the Unit's supported with pay(money). With the game concepts, food and sheild's are the only way to support them. Does anyone have an idea for solving this? Thanks.... Civfan
    Civfan (Warriorsoflight)

  • #2
    Woof! That's a tough one. I don't think it's possible, but I'll try to come up with something. Maybe using the ChangeMoney action in combination with could charge for the first 32 units, in theory...hmm...


    • #3
      Thanks John. Changing Changemoney and Flags. I'm not to sure of how though. An idea I'm thinking of is changing the City Improvements and Units. City improvements need money support, maybe it's possible to change the city improvements with units. Well its just a theory, who knows....Civfan
      Civfan (Warriorsoflight)


      • #4
        But then your units would all sit in the city, and the buildings wander about the land...sounds confusing.

        What I was thinking was that every time a civ builds a unit, you could set one of the flags--bear in mind that I haven't really though this all the way through yet--then somehow charge that civ an amount per turn based on the number of flags that are set.

        The flags aren't as tricky as they might seem; they're just markers you can set or un-set, and check on when you want to.


        • #5
          This would be incredibly revolutionary in the CIV2 community. Tons of discussions and suggestions have been made on this topic. If it could be done with flags... ooh man, that would be excellent.

