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Gallic Wars: stick to facts or total war?

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  • Gallic Wars: stick to facts or total war?

    I've been brainstorming for a new scenario after wrapping up my little Alien scen. Of course, I picked one my favorite historical eras: the Gallic Wars.

    I'm thinking that the scen will start immediately after Caesar annihilates the migrating Helvetian horde, and right before Caesar has to deal the the German King Ariovistus and his army. But that's not what the poll is about...

    I have two choices.

    1) I could make the scen strictly stick to historical facts, having the player run hither and thither with his legions, doing what Caesar did, including the bogus invasion of Britain (and all the complications thereof).

    2) I could leave history in the hand of the player. That means handing the player a few legions, with historically correct reinforcements appearing on the far side of the Alps, where they would be raised. And then letting the player wage total war on Gaul, and conquer it however he likes with a good number of historical events thrown in just for flavor, like the Gaulish uprising under Vercingetorix.

    The implications of 1) would mean a bigger map including Britain. Number 2) could get away with a medium-size map of Gaul including the Alps, Pyreenees, and the Rhone as borders.

    stick strictly to historical facts
    historical start, then history in hands of player

  • #2
    Set it up historically, then leave it to the player - Far more fun!


    • #3
      I would go for option 2 with events to replicate rebellions and resistance.

      Test of Time is better for these type of scenarios as you could use Create Unit events with up to 255 units appearing at one time to represent rebellions that the player would need to react to.

      MGE is better suited for longer Empire building type scenarios where you can use repeating Create Unit events to prop up the AI. You could always use Batch files with multiple events files if you use MGE. I would be happy to help you with making up the batch files!


      • #4
        Historically, Caesar succeeded by playing the various tribes off against each other. When Vercingetorix finally succeeded in uniting them, it was too late, though just barely. So active diplomacy and a race against time would be the features I would emphasise.

        If you successfully recreate the conditions Caesar faced, then you don't have to worry about forcing the Roman player into "historical" channels. Let him/her find their own way to win.

        My take on Caesar's "invasion" of Britain is that it was a punitive raid to force the British tribes to stop helping and trading with the Gauls. In Roman Civil Wars, I used events that created British raids in Gaul unitil the Romans landed and destroyed a British "town" unit. That way there is a motivation to make a landing in Britain, but it's entierly up to the player.
        Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios


        • #5
          @Jerec: wonderful idea!
          I love Gallic Wars

          Ages ago I was thinking about a scen about them... Maybe a useful map could be the JohnEllis' "Hundred Years War" map... focised mostly on France (and Belgium), but there is Britain and little parts of Italy and Spain...

          Keep on !
          "Dilexi iustitiam, odivi iniquitatem, propterea morior in exilio" [PAPA GREGORIUS VII +1085] - ("He amado la justicia, he odiado la iniquidad, por eso muero en exilio") - ("I loved justice, I hated unfairness, that's why I die in exile") - (J'ai aimé la justice, j'ai détesté l'iniquité, c'est pourquoi je meurs en exil") - ("Ich liebte Gerechtigkeit und hasste Ungerechtigkeit, deshalb sterbe ich im Exil")


          • #6
            3 to 0 on the poll. I'm decided unless someone brings up a very good argument in favor of #1.

            You could always use Batch files with multiple events files if you use MGE. I would be happy to help you with making up the batch files!
            It's very likely that I'll take up on that! I'm sticking with MGE for the familiarity, not to mention the in-game editor, which just happens have a full-on palette in the "edit units" section. No PsP needed! (I also happen to be a cheapskate. ) If I understand it right, batch files are just multiple files of events that can be loaded one after the other?

            If you successfully recreate the conditions Caesar faced, then you don't have to worry about forcing the Roman player into "historical" channels. Let him/her find their own way to win.
            Sounds like great advice. I'll certainly use it.

            My take on Caesar's "invasion" of Britain is that it was a punitive raid to force the British tribes to stop helping and trading with the Gauls. In Roman Civil Wars, I used events that created British raids in Gaul unitil the Romans landed and destroyed a British "town" unit. That way there is a motivation to make a landing in Britain, but it's entirely up to the player.
            Hmmm. Isn't Roman Civil Wars a ToT scen, allowing more complicated events? I'm not sure about being able to stop a unit creation event with a unit killed event.

            Maybe a useful map could be the JohnEllis' "Hundred Years War" map... focused mostly on France (and Belgium), but there is Britain and little parts of Italy and Spain...
            I'll check it out. From your description it should do fine Gagliaudo!

            Would anybody happen to know of an online info source for the Gallic Wars?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Jerec
              Hmmm. Isn't Roman Civil Wars a ToT scen, allowing more complicated events? I'm not sure about being able to stop a unit creation event with a unit killed event.
              Yes, RCW is a ToT scen!

              To stop a unit creation event in MPGE, here is what you can do: once a roman town is destroyed (or any other condition you want), just use a changeterrain event to transform the square(s) where your unit creations occur to ocean: after that, no land unit will be created on them!
              Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
              Discworld Scenario:
              POMARJ Scenario:
              LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


              • #8
                To stop a unit creation event in MPGE, here is what you can do: once a roman town is destroyed (or any other condition you want), just use a changeterrain event to transform the square(s) where your unit creations occur to ocean: after that, no land unit will be created on them!
                Brilliant Holmes! I'll do just that!


                • #9
                  The 100 Yrs War map would be just about perfect for the Gallic Wars. Good scale for the AI but big enough to fit in the important cities without overlapping resource catchment areas too much.

                  Batch files are quite simple to work with once you have figured out the basics. Once you are ready I will make you one and explain how it works so you can edit it at your leisure!
                  SCENARIO LEAGUE FORUM
                  SL INFORMATION THREAD


                  • #10
                    There wouldn't be a simple way to separate a map from a scenario, would there?


                    • #11
                      Load the scenario. Save it then open map editor and load up the map from the save, thus:
                      Attached Files
                      SCENARIO LEAGUE FORUM
                      SCENARIO LEAGUE WIKI SITE
                      SL INFORMATION THREAD


                      • #12
                        There wouldn't be a simple way to separate a map from a scenario, would there?
                        No? Rats. I guess I'll just make a copy of Hundred Years' War and morph it into the Gallic Wars.


                        • #13
                          Good heavens. Sorry about the last post McM. Can't believe I posted and then saw your answer right there.


                          • #14
                            Since I can't have a separate civ for each tribe, I've grouped them into four categories: northwest of Seine (Northern Confederation), southwest of the Seine (Southern Confederation), northeast of the Seine (Remi), and southeast of the Seine (Aedui). Does anybody know if there is possibly a better way of separating tribes?

                            Also, how do delete a thread? I want this one gone and a new "Gallic Wars" thread started.


                            • #15
                              You can't delete this one. Just start a new one if you want to.
                              Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios


