Originally posted by Kobayashi

^%&*&$ you.

^%&*&$ you.

However I must object strenuously to the frivolous reference to my shortcomings as a speller
Originally posted by Kobayashi
you spelt 'Complete' wrongly. Ha - finally got you.
you spelt 'Complete' wrongly. Ha - finally got you.
- 1,290,000 hits
- a very good definition from http://www.bartelby.com/68/81/1381.html
"This obsolete spelling of the adjective complete suggests an air of antiquity that seems to please some of those who name things, usually books for which they wish to claim compleat authority, as in Izaak Walton’s The Compleat Angler (1653), where this form of the adjective got its start. Use such quaintnesses only with great restraint."
- some real gems like
The Compleat Gyde to Tolkien Calendars
A Compleat Loade of Crape
The Compleat Cockroach
The Compleat Winegeek
The Compleat Redneck
The Compleat Strategist

EDIT: A bit of a cross post as I lost my previous version when I tried to check the URL.
@Boco Thank you.
