I'll be able to start this around mid-July. Too much RL until then.
No announcement yet.
Summer Project
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I would assume this includes the Prusso-Danish, Prusso-Austrian, and Franco-Prussian Wars, at least. I'd toyed with the idea of a Franco-Prussian War scen two years ago, and did a good deal of research on the matter, but other ideas (like the EotRS, the Solar Revolution, etc) took precedent at the time. Good to see this era covered in Civ2 then. I've stashed some notes on the latter war if you need them. Good fortune with this one!
Wow, this is a fantastic idea for a scenario.'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
- Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon
I was hoping there would be a new project in the pipeline. Excellent choice for a scenario. If this is half as good as Frederick the Great we are in for a treat. The title picture is very inspiring, this could be a long hot summer!
This is also a period of history that I have only superficial knowledge of so the chance to get involved in the action as I did with FTG will broaden my knowledge once again. Nice to see something other than WWII and ancient Rome
I hope I can live up to expections.I tried this a few years ago and dropped it because I couldn't figure out how to make the concept work. The original version included the Franco-Austrian war of 1859 and the Italian Risorgiamento, both of which I have now dropped. I'm just focusing on the Wars of German Unification, and it looks promising.
The scenario will start with the lead up to the Schleiswig-Holstien War, through the Austro-Prussian and Franco-Prussian Wars. The main idea is that in order to prepare a successful war, which must be quick and decisive, you must first win the diplomatic war. Failing this, other powers may intervene or there may be popular uprisings. I hope to represent this by research of specific technologies in the correct sequence and ahead of other civs.
The civs will be: Prussia, Austria, France (Empire and Republic), Denmark, Italy, N. German states and S. German states. Potential interveners will be Britain, Sweden and Russia. Anarchists and Communards round out the list of hazards.
I've already pre-ordered my units.Barring another design dead-end, I hope to have a playtest version ready by the end of summer.
I hope that your upcomming WWII project with Fairline does not mean that this very exciting project has not been abandoned.
No, it's just a little too much like Fred the Great, to jump into right now.
Fair enough. Good to have a change of scenery to help recharge the batteries!
Nice to see you, Dr. K. I'm glad you are still around. Ditto, Chris!
Blood and Iron is on hold. My concept for the scenario is tricky, and I've set it aside for the moment to try my hand at the definitive WWII Europe scenario.