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Does anyone have a copy of VENDETTA III for MGE?

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  • Does anyone have a copy of VENDETTA III for MGE?


    I was doing some spring cleaning and it seems the rules and various files for Vendetta III are gone, it seems forever...

    I am not sure how the last version's folder got messed up, but it seems the rules for version II have been over-wrote
    onto version III...Drat and triple drat! This is even the case on the backups...The blunder seems to have happened
    around 2004...So I am wondering if any of our regulars have a copy of the scenario from CDG or anywhere else...?

    Otherwise the scenario is nuked...

    It's not the end of the world, as I could remake the rules with some effort, Just hoping someone might have it, so
    I don't have to waste a night typing up the rules again...If anyone could upload the rules file I would be chuffed!

    I guess I could even look into recreating Vendetta in ToT, as you may have guessed that
    is the reason I was poking around in my old MGE archives for info and inspiration...

  • #2
    Well let's see I think I have it some where... *searching*
    I have found only one version of Vendetta from 2003... I may send it if you think that it is the right version.
    "Et deus dixit fiat lux !"
    "Everything is proceeding as i have foreseen."
    "I love Democracy Ilove the Republic ..."


    • #3
      Can you tell me what number is on the units file?
      It should say Vendetta3 in large black type.


      • #4
        -.- Only "VENDETTA"

        Für alle Unwissenden - es werden wenige sein: Es geht um einen hypothetischen Konflikt in den 1980er Jahren zwischen einem siegreichen Dritten Reich und anderen fiktiven Weltmächten. Ziel dürfte in diesem PBEM einfach die Eroberung der Welt sein, beziehungsweise für jede Civ ordentlich was rauszuschlagen. UFA (Atze) Australian Federation (Gandhi) Pan-African Coalition (radyserb) Red Empire (kassian) Pacific Alliance (battosai) Eternal Reich (Eursiko) Global Economic Union (AI)

        In May 2006 some players started a "Vendetta" PBEM. Again it does not become clear wich version but I would not doubt that they were using the most recent available ... perhaps one of them has it on his HD ...
        "Et deus dixit fiat lux !"
        "Everything is proceeding as i have foreseen."
        "I love Democracy Ilove the Republic ..."


        • #5

          That would be the first version...Got that one safe and sound.

          Cheers anyway, dude!


          • #6
            I hadn't realized there was an actual finished version of Vendetta Curt 3, when did it come out? I remember seeing some of the intended unit graphics posted a little more than a year ago but I was under the impression the moved away from the project to focus on Dictator ToT, Dalek Tyrany, Bitterfrost III and other classics.

            I'd be really curious to find a fully working version of the third installment if it is out there somewhere. As for the files, the best I can offer is a copy of what might be the units file you sent a little while back in a preview, might that help?


            • #7
              I am beginning to wonder if it actually did get released, I am
              sure it was posted on CDG as the final update of the series.
              I guess the zips went south with the rest of the site...!

              This could be an omen then, to make a ToT version.
              Always had some new ideas for a better implementation.



              • #8
                I agree with Chris. I don't think it was released. I have V2 and nothing on V3.


                • #9
                  Well Curt if you can find the time between your other projects I'd say go for it!! Vendetta was one of the reasons I got into the online Civ II forums years back. I was totally captivated by the image of Siberia being made into history's biggest no mans land between the Eternal Reich and the Red Empire, with ancient half buried T-34's looking westward across the expanse waiting for the old enemy of generations past.


                  • #10
                    Sarsstock's description of Vendatta sounds intriguing. I have never seen this scenario before. Any idea where might I fine Vendetta II?
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                    • #11
                      No problems!

                      It's under fictional, second from last!



                      • #12
                        Nice one Curt. There are loads of scenarios in the fictional section that I have never seen before. I thought after all these years I had found all the Civ II sceanrios but it seems there are thousands of them hidden away in cyberspace!
                        SCENARIO LEAGUE FORUM
                        SCENARIO LEAGUE WIKI SITE
                        SL INFORMATION THREAD
                        CIV WEBRING MULTIPLAYER FORUM


                        • #13

                          Recently I had a crack at a bunch of classic scenarios from the early days.

                          Refreshing how simple and fun they were...!


