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Using your graphics for non-civ games…

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  • Using your graphics for non-civ games…

    Heres a test screenie of a little game I am working on. Its not much. If I im lucky, it might be able to compete with minesweeper, after about a year of work

    Anyway, IMO, a whole load of great graphics have been made for Civ2/ToT. I just wanted to point out how these graphics still look nice outside of civ . I would like to use a lot of it for my game (giving credit of course). As you can see in the pic, there are fairline units (some altered a bit by me) from the ToT mongol scenario, and a german vehicle from somewhere (dunno who).

    Would anyone have any major objections for me doing this? Are there any other games/projects out there that are using these graphics?
    Last edited by Daftpanzer; February 16, 2007, 19:33.

  • #2
    So you make games, eh?

    Seems pretty awesome...Can you tell us more?

    The armoured gun is a Wespe, also by fairline.


    • #3
      thanks I didn’t know the wespe was by fairline, seems he has made a lot of units

      As for this game, at the moment this battle screen is all there is… The two armies attack each other with random units, the 'human' player can choose to retreat or advance or hold position etc. Different units have different stats for all kinds of things, which are mixed with random numbers to work out the battles. Its pretty pointless as it is, but i hope to add a kind of risk-style map screen and some kind of city/unit building thing.

      Im using c++ and opengl, pretty basic stuff i learnt at university. Using messy and unsophisticated methods. I dont really know how to program ‘properly’, i just do whatever seems to work.

      Anyway, it would be great to use civ2 unit graphics, as people have made just about every kind of unit you could want.


      • #4
        Sounds interesting. I have no problem at all as long as you aren't doing this for financial gain; in that case you'll need to send me a huge case of mullah


        • #5
          thanks fairline!

          no financial gain involved, i wish lol this will probably crash and burn. The best im hoping for is uploading to a forum somewhere.

