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My Take On the Cold War PBEM

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  • My Take On the Cold War PBEM

    I made this scenario years ago, but have only so far been able to play it SP. I've recently upgraded a number of features, and hope to now set up its first PBEM. I'm looking for five players other than myself (I'll be the Warsaw Pact). The scenario goes from Dec '79 to Dec '89 on a world map. The players are as follows:
    Warsaw Pact (Includes occupied Afghanistan)-Patine
    NATO and Allies (All of NATO plus Israel, Japan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand)-Open
    Pro-Western States (Staunch Western allies in the Third World)-Open
    China and Allies (China and all Communist and pseudo-Communist states who've 'drifted' from Moscow)-EmuGod
    Pro-Soviet States (None WARPAC Communist and pseudo-Communist states allied to the USSR)-Open
    Non-Aligned States (Most of the Third World)-AI
    Volatiles and Insurgents (Rebel groups, countries and regions locked in civil war, and Libya)-Barbs

    I'm hoping for some player turnout, as I'd really like to test this one in PBEM. It is MGE, fear not. And don't worry about playing Iran, your country's fanaticism helps out if you're invaded (aka, modern Iraq).
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Patine; February 8, 2007, 00:43.

  • #2
    well, Allah told me in my dreams to take command of Iran and lead the muslim world to a new golden age.
    so, give me Iran please.
    South Atlantic Conflict v1.2 - Civ II Scenario
    Iron Curtain v1.1 - Civ II Scenario


    • #3
      Great! Just four more. Anyone?


      • #4
        If you really need someone, I'll take on the Chinese.


        • #5
          That'll be splendid!


          • #6
            some first impression comments...

            dude, many of the units shields are misplaced. you should fix that.
            i also noticed that in the case of the cities, the box with population cover the city flags.

            caracas volatile/insurgent??? why caracas and not bogota??
            i feel that sucre should be located one tile to the west. and lima a few tiles to the south.

            holy ****!! lots of cities in africa and middle east. that´s a new focus. could be interesting.

            btw, who draw this map? i find it really weird.
            South Atlantic Conflict v1.2 - Civ II Scenario
            Iron Curtain v1.1 - Civ II Scenario


            • #7
              I'll try to fix those shields and flags, though I think I'd tried at least to fix the flags and it didn't work or something. Will give it another try. As for Bogota, they'll get FARC insurgents generated on a turn-based event, whereas at the time Venezuela had no standing central gov't, as I recall. As well, Africa is the second most populous continent in the world, and was a center of strife at the time (still is), and I felt that should be represented. As for the map, I can't remember where I found it or who made it, I just selected it from my maps and begun.


              • #8

                I know there wasn't a lot of response at the time I made this post, but one or two new players have arrived and a few PBEM's have died since. Anyone interested now?

