After a series of great playtest sessions by our friends here on SL, I am very
proud to present what I consider my best CIV2 effort so far, Bitterfrost III...
I hope you'll give it a try and enjoy the cleaned up and improved events,
the stats-edited enemy civs, and the generally better paced gameplay.
Much effort was put into this scenario, and I wish to extend my special
thanks to fairline for offering the inspiration with his simply wondrous
LOTR units, and to and Catfish for being professional as ever and sweeping
in to fix a potentially scenario-wrecking problem!
I wish also to thank AGRICOLA and Hans99 for their tireless devotion to the
strenuous business of playtesting, and to all the SL regulars who commented
on the playtest thread...I made this one for all of you guys, and I am
honoured by your interest in my humble efforts!
I have made a fully-illustrated ReadMe file that lists all the reference
data on the scenario, and will be useful for finding out who things work
in this new Bitterfrost scenario, check it out!
As ever, let me know how you find this version, and there should not be
any game-breaker bugs in there now, but if anything alarming happens,
don't hesitate to post here and let me know...
Well, grab your sword, pack some lizard meat sandwiches and off you go!
Scenario File
Sounds 1
Sounds 2
ReadMe File