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"Rise and Fall of Teutonic Order"

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  • bon jour

    Hello !
    Some months ago my brother borrowed me his new-old PC..
    so.. the old one with WIN98 (and civ mge ) was sent to pension..with some little works/projects on it ..included the civ scenarios..

    Now i got a PC with WIN XP .. and last night im happy to say that i succesfully installed CIV ToT , and .. it works !

    And by the way, i'm happy to see that many of You are still around this forum, playing with ideas, history, etc..

    So, last night i was again there in front of the screen.. with photoshop on a side, txt editor, and civ, loading saved games and so on.. and i must admit i still like it a lot !!!!

    I notice that seem that most of you here now are designing for ToT, right ?

    Now i gotta see if my version of ToT is compatible with yours, cause i got an original version, but , italian .. so ..
    well.. i can go on designing for my own pleasure but i would be happier if i know someone can maybe share it.

    So, as soon as i can i ll try post some "test.scn" just to see i it works, and ask kindly if someone can try to load it.

    Please, there is also some patch for ToT that i must try to install ?
    thank u, grazie !
    Last edited by Von Bert; March 19, 2008, 05:15.


    • There's a patch for the English version of ToT, v1.1. I'm not sure if this is useable with an Italian version of ToT but its worth checking out as it's a must for scenario play.

      There's a link to the 1.1 patch at Techumseh's site, and probably also at Cradle of Civilization. I'm posting from work (don't tell my boss!), so I don't have my bookmarks to give you a link. I'm pretty sure CoC is a Poly hosted site, so there should be a link to it here somewhere.

      Edit: Cradle of civ site:

      Looks like there are English, German and French patches, but no sign of an Italian one.....
      Last edited by fairline; March 19, 2008, 06:33.


      • thanks, Fairline,
        later home i'll try to apply that ToTpatch1.1,
        I dont really mind if the italian version will start to speak "english".. i just hope it will work !

        let's go working now..
        one eye on the work.. and the other eye on the forum..


        • Ok, i did a check on my TOT and found out that :
          Italian version of TOT did come out in 1999 a bit later then the eng/ger/fre version.. and thus the italian version is already 1.1 version !

          so , i suppose i dont have to apply the 1.1 patch.
          And.. i arrived to succesfully load some scenario for TOT made/converted by the comunity..
          mmhh.. so.. i think that the reverse shell be true too.. ( if i ever will finish one)


          • This seems to have died. The pictures have been replaced (at least partially) by boxes with red Xs in them.

            If you're still working on this, please say so. It would be a shame if this disappeared.


            • ADMIN ?
              Please, dont delete this post..
              Maybe i'll get on this of this days..


              Von Bert


              • One of these days soon?
                Sea Kings TOT

                Sors salutis/ et virtutis/ michi nunc contraria,/ est affectus/ et defectus/ semper in angaria./
                Hac in hora/ sine mora/ corde pulsem tangite;/ quod per sortem/ sternit fortem,/ mecum omnes plangite!


                • maybe..
                  Just had a "meeting" with surgeons at hospital (for a hole n bowel..NOT a bullet ) .. and now i got some free time to rest/recover at home..
                  too bad i got also a changing/flat procedure..
                  a to be delivered baby ( thanks God ! )
                  and.. other projects in mind too..

                  but..i can never forget the foggy cold forest , marsh and plains.. where the black crossed knights launched their "civilization" effort.. (yepp.. with lituanian prussian treated as Sioux or Aztec i suppose.. )
                  and met.. a certain Aklexander Nevsky on lake Peipus..
                  and i'm not sure that they have been the last knight-panzer trying that project..

                  luckily also the latter has received a similar treatment ..

                  (despite must be admitted that the Order built many nice castles and town , and brong "civilization" too..
                  with iron and blood.. but .. they did.. )

                  EZRhino ? if you wanna help me..i can share what i got..
                  and maybe you know beter then me how to solve some problems/simulations..


                  • but..i can never forget the foggy cold forest , marsh and plains.. where the black crossed knights launched their "civilization" effort.. (yepp.. with lituanian prussian treated as Sioux or Aztec i suppose.. ) and met.. a certain Aklexander Nevsky on lake Peipus..
                    A very vivid description. I can't wait for this scenario!

                    I would be happy to offer my meager support, such as it is, to help with this. What kinds of problems are you having?
                    Sea Kings TOT

                    Sors salutis/ et virtutis/ michi nunc contraria,/ est affectus/ et defectus/ semper in angaria./
                    Hac in hora/ sine mora/ corde pulsem tangite;/ quod per sortem/ sternit fortem,/ mecum omnes plangite!


                    • Thanks !
                      Tomorrrow i'll write down the situation..
                      so you ll see..

