My next installment of La Belle Epoque is released, which is the single most extensive update this far. It's practically rebuild from scratch. I've created a brand new (and more logical) tech tree (my personal best no less ), new events - with more active barbarians and more actions to set presedence for new events as in real life (such as Italo-Turkish war will trigger the balkans war), new units , new civs (GB and France merged to Entente, cities/power balanced accordingly) - created Ottoman Empire instead, new rules , new cities , and new graphics , greater balance altogether - to name some of the changes.
After the Franco-German war in 1870/71, Europe enjoyed a period of interior peace for more than forty years until the start of the First World War in 1914. During this period, many important social and technological developments took place. The second wave of the industrial revolution seized the world which gave birth to the New Imperialism. People living in this period were materially confident and culturally optimistic. All social classes were seized by the feeling of a new start into better times. So began, on this basis, the time which nowadays not only the French call the 'La Belle Epoque' (The Beutiful Era).
In Asia The Treaty of Portsmouth, mediated by Theodore Roosevelt, brought peace between Russia and Japan, and establised Japan as a new Great Power. Russia agreed to evacuate Manchuria and recognize Korea as part of the Japanese sphere of influence. Russia also lost access to warm water ports for it's navy and during the course of war lost virtually its entire Eastern and Baltic fleet.
On the other side of the world the old rivals of France and Great Britain has aligned themselves as the Entente Cordiale, to better co-ordinate their imperial abitions and to ward off a challenge from Germany. And for now, everything is calm in the US, Italy and the Ottoman Empire.
1. Russian Empire
2. Imperial Japan
3. German Reich
4. Ottoman Empire
5. USA
6. Entente Cordiale
7. Italian Empire
01. No tech trading.
02. No reloading.
03. No rehoming of trade units.
04. No 'square stealing' from the AI.
05. No air protected land/sea stacks.
06. No "freezing" of airplanes.
07. No ship chains.
08. No building of new cities. Only re-creating razed ones alowed.
09. Mountains to be regarded as impassable terrain, exept for by air units (Also engineers may fix pillaged roads/RRs from roads/RRs that exist from the start of the scen.)
10. No Air units may attack from a fortress (stackable terrain)
11. No airbases in adjecent to each other or a city.
12. No bombers or zeppelins allowed on carriers
13. No more than 5 airplanes allowed on the Aircraft Carrier at the same time
14. No artificial creating of ZOC with units.
15. No war ships may cross straits owned by a foreign power (i.e. the Bosphorus Strait (Istanbul), Suez Canal (Alexandria - although as long as it's barbarian, as it's from start, the Entente may cross), the Panama Canal, Kiel Canal (Hamburg), Gibraltar strait, Øresund (Copenhagen) etc.)
16. No sailing from the North Atlantic to the North Pacific around America
My next installment of La Belle Epoque is released, which is the single most extensive update this far. It's practically rebuild from scratch. I've created a brand new (and more logical) tech tree (my personal best no less ), new events - with more active barbarians and more actions to set presedence for new events as in real life (such as Italo-Turkish war will trigger the balkans war), new units , new civs (GB and France merged to Entente, cities/power balanced accordingly) - created Ottoman Empire instead, new rules , new cities , and new graphics , greater balance altogether - to name some of the changes.
After the Franco-German war in 1870/71, Europe enjoyed a period of interior peace for more than forty years until the start of the First World War in 1914. During this period, many important social and technological developments took place. The second wave of the industrial revolution seized the world which gave birth to the New Imperialism. People living in this period were materially confident and culturally optimistic. All social classes were seized by the feeling of a new start into better times. So began, on this basis, the time which nowadays not only the French call the 'La Belle Epoque' (The Beutiful Era).
In Asia The Treaty of Portsmouth, mediated by Theodore Roosevelt, brought peace between Russia and Japan, and establised Japan as a new Great Power. Russia agreed to evacuate Manchuria and recognize Korea as part of the Japanese sphere of influence. Russia also lost access to warm water ports for it's navy and during the course of war lost virtually its entire Eastern and Baltic fleet.
On the other side of the world the old rivals of France and Great Britain has aligned themselves as the Entente Cordiale, to better co-ordinate their imperial abitions and to ward off a challenge from Germany. And for now, everything is calm in the US, Italy and the Ottoman Empire.
1. Russian Empire
2. Imperial Japan
3. German Reich
4. Ottoman Empire
5. USA
6. Entente Cordiale
7. Italian Empire
01. No tech trading.
02. No reloading.
03. No rehoming of trade units.
04. No 'square stealing' from the AI.
05. No air protected land/sea stacks.
06. No "freezing" of airplanes.
07. No ship chains.
08. No building of new cities. Only re-creating razed ones alowed.
09. Mountains to be regarded as impassable terrain, exept for by air units (Also engineers may fix pillaged roads/RRs from roads/RRs that exist from the start of the scen.)
10. No Air units may attack from a fortress (stackable terrain)
11. No airbases in adjecent to each other or a city.
12. No bombers or zeppelins allowed on carriers
13. No more than 5 airplanes allowed on the Aircraft Carrier at the same time
14. No artificial creating of ZOC with units.
15. No war ships may cross straits owned by a foreign power (i.e. the Bosphorus Strait (Istanbul), Suez Canal (Alexandria - although as long as it's barbarian, as it's from start, the Entente may cross), the Panama Canal, Kiel Canal (Hamburg), Gibraltar strait, Øresund (Copenhagen) etc.)
16. No sailing from the North Atlantic to the North Pacific around America