In my Dictator VI playtests, I have noticed that the light blue civ (USA) is being very unwilling to get into battle,
and not going head to head with the axis much. I have seen this in other scenarios like various versions of Bitterfrost
and in Kingdoms of Steel. The light blue civ seems to not engage like the others, and this is regardless of the 'WWII'AI
option (in scenario options) being selected or not.
This is a problem for the Dictator scenario, and it leads to the USA building tons of defense units and doing little else.
I have to investigate this freakish situation and get it sorted. It is not a super-problem with BFIII. But in Dict-VI it
certainly is. The USA should be able to lay the serious smack down onto the Axis, but even in event-encouraged fights,
the light blue AI seems to refuse battle.
Here is an example:
In the new Dictator, the 'Operation Avalance' tech is awarded in Sept 1943, and relies on the sucessful completion of the
'Operation Torch' event, which the British/USA civs normally win with ease. But when the time comes to take on Italy, the
light blue civ tries to escape the Italian boot, while the orange (Brit) civ battles on gamely...What is going on?
The light blue civ does not mind hurling B-17s around, but the battleships and infantry (set to role 0) all run like
frightened geese from the Axis! Any advice or offers of hex investigations into civ's light blue civ would be most welcome.
If worst comes to the worst, I will have to switch the dark blue civ (China) and light blue civ (USA) with civ-city utility.
I have a feeling it might be to do with map location and unit strength...Perhaps. That said, the green civ (Japanese) is cut
off from world with the Japanese island, but still fights with insane ferocity...!
Anyone else had issues with the light blue civ?
and not going head to head with the axis much. I have seen this in other scenarios like various versions of Bitterfrost
and in Kingdoms of Steel. The light blue civ seems to not engage like the others, and this is regardless of the 'WWII'AI
option (in scenario options) being selected or not.
This is a problem for the Dictator scenario, and it leads to the USA building tons of defense units and doing little else.
I have to investigate this freakish situation and get it sorted. It is not a super-problem with BFIII. But in Dict-VI it
certainly is. The USA should be able to lay the serious smack down onto the Axis, but even in event-encouraged fights,
the light blue AI seems to refuse battle.
Here is an example:
In the new Dictator, the 'Operation Avalance' tech is awarded in Sept 1943, and relies on the sucessful completion of the
'Operation Torch' event, which the British/USA civs normally win with ease. But when the time comes to take on Italy, the
light blue civ tries to escape the Italian boot, while the orange (Brit) civ battles on gamely...What is going on?
The light blue civ does not mind hurling B-17s around, but the battleships and infantry (set to role 0) all run like
frightened geese from the Axis! Any advice or offers of hex investigations into civ's light blue civ would be most welcome.

If worst comes to the worst, I will have to switch the dark blue civ (China) and light blue civ (USA) with civ-city utility.
I have a feeling it might be to do with map location and unit strength...Perhaps. That said, the green civ (Japanese) is cut
off from world with the Japanese island, but still fights with insane ferocity...!
Anyone else had issues with the light blue civ?
