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C&C in Civ?

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  • C&C in Civ?

    Anyone considered making a Command and Conquer scenario?
    I don't know what I've been told!
    Deirdre's got a Network Node!
    Love to press the Buster Switch!
    Gonna nuke that crazy witch!

  • #2
    I was thinking of something along that route but I don't think I'll use the same factions. It wouldn't be hard.

    The main thing to worry about would be:

    1. In order to allow the Harvester to be the only unit to attack a resource the resource would have to be an air unit and have the harvesters and resources be cordoned off in an enclosed area, immune to aerial attack from other flying units.


    • #3
      Pablostuka was once working on a Red Alert scenario. Thugh he never finished it (and I even ink he lost all files in a computer crash).
      "Peace cannot be kept by force.
      It can only be achieved by understanding"


      • #4
        I actually wanted to make a scenario based on Command & Conquer 3: Tiberian Sun and also had some interesting ideas on how to work in some things.

        Hmm, let's see, maybe I'll actually go beyond the concept design stage one day.


        • #5
          I tried making a C&C1 and a Red Alert scenario. The C&C was finished, but utterly dire, and as I transferred it over from about 3 PCs, it's full of bugs, and crashes repeatedly. I started making a Red Alert one, but gave up half way through.

          Both were done years ago, on the WW2 Europe map. I think the Red Alert one would have been fairly decent, with some good events (particularly once you'd taken Kiev: you would have had to blitz Kursk there and then, or face an endless rain of Soviety nukes). The C&C one was just a mess, but it was one of the first "scenarios" I made...


          • #6
            Wierdly enough, I also play Soviet Steel 2 to the Red Alert soundtrack. It just seems fitting...


            • #7
              Ahh...Soviet steel...There is one that I might redo some time!



              • #8
                Indeed you should curt. I remember the PBEM we played of it over @ CDG. It was a bit imbalanced, the Soviets had a uge advantage. But I also know, IIRC, that it was because of the SP experience, and that it wasn't for PBEM.

                Even so, I guess there could be made cool C&C/Red Alert/Tiberian Sun scenarios. I always imagined an Red Alert II sen, where the Soviets suprise-invade the US (on a wor map) and blitzing through Europe.
                "Peace cannot be kept by force.
                It can only be achieved by understanding"


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Tigey
                  (particularly once you'd taken Kiev: you would have had to blitz Kursk there and then, or face an endless rain of Soviety nukes).
                  Sounds cool. Events from the game rock.

                  The C&C one was just a mess, but it was one of the first "scenarios" I made...
                  Ah, yes. I've had those experiences. Infuriating, aren't they?
                  I don't know what I've been told!
                  Deirdre's got a Network Node!
                  Love to press the Buster Switch!
                  Gonna nuke that crazy witch!

