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ww2 in Europe scenario

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  • ww2 in Europe scenario

    I play for a long time civilization 2 and those thanks to the talented creators of scenarios which shared their passion on this forum.

    By advance, I excuse myself if I make faults while writing in English. I try to limit them by using the linguistic translator of GOOGLE.

    Today, I would like to try in my turn to create a scenario. My first idea would be in connection with the second world war in Europe. I know that there in already were the excellent ones. But it is an idea which inspires to me.

    It would be a single player scenario (or two perhaps). The human player would play two civilizations, as in NEMO’s scenario “the second front”: Allied and Soviets. Initially, he should face the attacks of the forces of the axis, then to reconquer the lost ground and finally to neutralize the invader as in NEMO’s scenario “the red front”.

  • #2
    Here a first idea of the units which I could use if Fairline and Curt Sibling see no objection there
    Attached Files


    • #3
      Always nice with new faces. Welcome!
      Find my civ2 scenarios here

      Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


      • #4

        And please feel free to plunder anything that has been posted on the forum unit threads!

        Could you let us know more about the scenario?
        When is the start date and how do you plan to control the Axis AI?

        Looking forward to this one!


        • #5
          Thank you.

          The human player would play the allies in turn, then Soviet.

          The essence of the aggressiveness of the ai as its offensives must be managed by the events file.
          The scenario would begin in April 1940. it would follow a calendar of events of which the first could be:
          - The invasion of Denmark and Norway
          - The invasion of France, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.
          - Evacuation of Allied troops from Dunkirk.
          - Soviets begin occupation of the Baltic States.
          - Battle of Britain.
          - Axis offensive in British Somaliland and Egypt.
          - The arrival of Rommel and “Afrika Korps” in Africa.
          - The invasion of Yugoslavia and Greece.
          - Operation Brevity the British counter-attack in Egypt).
          - appearance of Bismarck.
          - Operation Barbarossa.
          - The invasion of various Soviet cities.
          - The siege of Leningrad.
          - Operation Typhoon (German advance on Moscow).
          - Soviets counter-offensives.
          - US enter war....


          • #6
            Will this be a multiple events scenario?

            If so, it could be a real epic!



            • #7
              As Curt says, feel free to use anything posted in the gfx threads

              Good luck with this one.


              • #8
                Have you thought of units for France and Italy?
                Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



                • #9
                  A multiple events files would be indeed a good means of detailing the various stages of the scenario. Multiples rules and units files would make it possible to represent the evolution of the units through the seasons and to include there units for France and Italy.


                  • #10
                    here a table of the units which could appear in the scenario. There remain a few units to be found. The suggestions are welcome.
                    Attached Files

