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NWO pbem#2

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  • #91
    academia, if you wish, please play my turn. I don't have the Internet at home. Or just press Ctrl+N. I will be online in a week or so.


    • #92
      Originally posted by ISeeALL
      academia, if you wish, please play my turn. I don't have the Internet at home. Or just press Ctrl+N. I will be online in a week or so.
      yep. no problem.
      i`ll play your turn then
      South Atlantic Conflict v1.2 - Civ II Scenario
      Iron Curtain v1.1 - Civ II Scenario


      • #93
        IseeAll: by taking a look at your units location, it´s pretty obvious that you were planning to attack other rebel/neutral cities... i decided to pull out your troops and return to indian territory.
        USA is willing to support a limited indian expansion in the war on terrorism, but not an irrational expansion everywhere. remember that.
        Attached Files
        South Atlantic Conflict v1.2 - Civ II Scenario
        Iron Curtain v1.1 - Civ II Scenario


        • #94
          bump emugod
          South Atlantic Conflict v1.2 - Civ II Scenario
          Iron Curtain v1.1 - Civ II Scenario


          • #95
            Chechnya Independent!
            GROZNY - Celebrations erupted in the Chechen capital of Grozny as independence day was officially celebrated. An interm government has been set up to prepare for the country's first democratic elections. The outcome of the vote will determine the make up of the Republic of Ichkeria's new parliament, which will then draft a constitution.

            Kabul Falls! Support for President Bush Collapses at Home
            KABUL - Despite declarations of victory in Iraq, the United States suffered a major blow as the Taliban offensive captured the Afghan capital of Kabul. The resurgent Taliban successfully crushed the European military contingents operating in the country, causing widespread anti-Bush and anti-American sentiment in Europe as the troops came home in bodybags. In addition, the American installed Afghan government was captured and taken into custody. The Taliban has offered the European Union a peace treaty, which includes the return of all captured EU troops in Afghanistan in exchange for full diplomatic recognition of the Taliban as the Afghan government and the cessasion of all hostilities between the two warring parties. A similar offer has been extended to the United States, in exchange for American withdrawal from the southwestern Kandahar region. Back in the United States, the President's poll numbers have dropped sharply, giving fire to Democrats as Republicans attempted to find some way of explaining the situation. Republicans are in full damage control, but the loss of the Afghan capital was a severe blow that the party will likely not recover from.

            Insurgency in Iraq Continues - More US Deaths
            BAGHDAD - Iraqi insurgents attacked US troops in the capital today, critically damaging an American tank regiment. Violence in the country continues as US forces attempt to stabilize the situation in the country.

            Venezuelan oil and aluminum arrived in the United States this month, generating good profits for Caracas. Venezuela hopes for continued trade relations with all its neighbours, including the USA. Though President Chavez opposes President Bush's free trade agreements, that is no reason to sour trade relations.
            Attached Files


            • #96
              Despite the lies of the irrational and savage taliban terrorists, the american people continue to support the wise leadership of president GEORGE W. BUSH.

              American bestest youngsters will go and die for the oil and "democracy", no matter the consequences. America supports its military to the end!! This war on terrorism must be won.

              *1 democracy-hater taliban tortured and killed in kabul.
              *Kabul liberated in the name of FREEDOM.

              Venezuelan oil and aluminum arrived in the United States this month, generating good profits for Caracas. Venezuela hopes for continued trade relations with all its neighbours, including the USA. Though President Chavez opposes President Bush's free trade agreements, that is no reason to sour trade relations.
              yep, no problem. feel free to trade with the US.
              Attached Files
              South Atlantic Conflict v1.2 - Civ II Scenario
              Iron Curtain v1.1 - Civ II Scenario


              • #97
                Alejandro, must you always use that sarcastic tone in your posts? Oh and if possible, when you have elections, could you consider the actions of your George Bush and how the American people will react.
                "[A thoughtful Quote]" -Oscar Wilde


                • #98
                  Originally posted by Nilat
                  Alejandro, must you always use that sarcastic tone in your posts? Oh and if possible, when you have elections, could you consider the actions of your George Bush and how the American people will react.
                  oops... do you guys find that sarcastic tone offending?
                  i´m just exaggerating the american foreign policy real position

                  elections? what´s that?
                  South Atlantic Conflict v1.2 - Civ II Scenario
                  Iron Curtain v1.1 - Civ II Scenario


                  • #99
                    It would be interesting for you to play out the 2004 elections in the USA. At about the time we're at, it's the primaries for the 2004 election and losing Kabul would no doubt seriously hurt Bush's efforts to win re-nomination. There would be Republicans who would see these things as proof of the need to pick a different candidate.


                    • A couple of minor trades

                      The European Union looks forward to welcoming our future new members next year.
                      "Live Long and Profit"


                      • oops forgot save
                        Attached Files
                        "Live Long and Profit"


                        • Originally posted by Voltar
                          The European Union looks forward to welcoming our future new members next year.
                          We must discuss about this. If these expansions are unrealistic, Russia will suspect fraudulent activities in referenda in these joining nations and intervene. Could you please state the countries which are joinin the EU?
                          "[A thoughtful Quote]" -Oscar Wilde


                          • Well largely per the EU Strategic Report Oct. 02
                            Czech Republic, Hungary(Prague & Budapest). These countries have had proper schedueled elections.

                            The original plan of inviting the Baltics to EU was dropped to preserve Russian intrests. These states are schedueled to be admitted as members in May of 04.
                            "Live Long and Profit"


                            • No news.
                              Attached Files


                              • Originally posted by Voltar
                                Well largely per the EU Strategic Report Oct. 02
                                Czech Republic, Hungary(Prague & Budapest). These countries have had proper schedueled elections.

                                The original plan of inviting the Baltics to EU was dropped to preserve Russian intrests. These states are schedueled to be admitted as members in May of 04.
                                Russia is very glad to see the moderate stance of the European Union and thus would like to discuss current affairs with our worthy, democratic neighbours. (do you have msn?)
                                "[A thoughtful Quote]" -Oscar Wilde

