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NWO pbem#2

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  • #76
    Hm, this actually has the opposite effect, if you wanted an interesting local conflict. India would have had enough of a chance since it's borders are closer to the conflict zone, but I doubt that now there will be any conflict at all, since the US are too powerful to engage.

    China has no intention of fighting the US over Bangladesh.


    • #77
      India does not have a legitimate claim over Pakistan and U.S.A has no reason to believe Pakistan has a regime which supports regime. Russia insists that India retreats from Pakistan and gives power back to the people and initiate a fair democratic election.

      If India are not to leave Pakistan, we shall remove them from the area by force. We appeal to all nations who believe in the self-determation of peoples and support us in our righteous cause of liberating Pakistan (we would give it back to the neutrals immediately)! If India and the U.S.A continue this without evidence of Pakistan's support of terrorism, you are becoming the so-called 'Axis of Evil'. If India retreats from Pakistan, we will not interfere in Bangladesh or Sri Lanka.

      Russia's message to the EU and Allies is not to blindly follow their friend, the U.S.A. Think rationally and be empathetic of Pakistan's plight!
      "[A thoughtful Quote]" -Oscar Wilde


      • #78
        Originally posted by Eurisko
        Hm, this actually has the opposite effect, if you wanted an interesting local conflict. India would have had enough of a chance since it's borders are closer to the conflict zone, but I doubt that now there will be any conflict at all, since the US are too powerful to engage.

        China has no intention of fighting the US over Bangladesh.
        come on!! give it a shot a fight a few turns

        great. that´s the attitude
        South Atlantic Conflict v1.2 - Civ II Scenario
        Iron Curtain v1.1 - Civ II Scenario


        • #79

          China will not enter wars in which there is little to gain but much to lose.


          • #80
            A rather unproductive month.
            Attached Files
            "Live Long and Profit"


            • #81
              We warn India not to trouble our socialist friends in Vietnam.
              Attached Files


              • #82
                I got my computer back today, so there are things I must do with it before I play (like installing civ2again). But don't despair, you won't have to wait too long.
                "Peace cannot be kept by force.
                It can only be achieved by understanding"


                • #83
                  Mikko is up right now anyway.


                  • #84
                    I have to conclude with the Chechnyan matter before I can play. Shouldnt take too long.
                    "[A thoughtful Quote]" -Oscar Wilde


                    • #85
                      bump mikko
                      South Atlantic Conflict v1.2 - Civ II Scenario
                      Iron Curtain v1.1 - Civ II Scenario


                      • #86
                        Sorry about this. I just had my last week in school before my holidays and it has been extremely hectic.. I should have informed you guys, but I was literally coming home, staring at a wall, doing my homework and going to sleep..

                        Now I have my holiday and a situation like this shouldn't arise for quite some time as I will be refreshed after my holidays!
                        "[A thoughtful Quote]" -Oscar Wilde


                        • #87
                          Sounds goo Mikko! Enoy the holidays and the civing!
                          "Peace cannot be kept by force.
                          It can only be achieved by understanding"


                          • #88
                            Now that I am refreshed I could actually think!

                            Putin Announces Chechnya as an autonomous democratic republic!

                            Despite the lack of discussions from both parties, Putin has decided that Chechen independence does not need to be negotiated any further. One major term of the declaration of independence is that a democratic election should be help under the surveillance of the Russian military to ensure that no corruption takes place in this turbulent area.

                            Putin stated that it will be easier for both Russians and Chechens to discuss their future when there is concrete evidence that they have independence. He also warned the Chechen people should think with their heads, not their hearts. The extremists may sway the people's opinions with persuasion and rhetoric. They must ignore this and think with reason and choose a regime which will give you peace, freedom and equality of opportunity.


                            The United States have already shown their imperialist tendencies and we have ignored it in Iraq. However, your support for the actions in Pakistan have near permanently destroyed our relations. The Pakistanis do not wish to live under Hindi Indian rule! They are muslims and we urge all of the muslim nations in the world to support their oppressed brothers!

                            We are physically incapable of intervening and if we were able, we would not want to bring death to the ailing people of Pakistan again by starting a conflict. If any country will stand up to India and the USA, we shall support them financially, militarily and diplomatically.

                            And just to warn the United States...

                            That AWACS you have in Alaska (22,12) is quite obviously going to Russia. We will shoot down all unauthorised American planes in Russian airspace. If you want to snoop around in our great nation, ask. If you ask, we will decline as you disgusting Imperialist hypocrits have nothing to do in Russia.
                            Attached Files
                            "[A thoughtful Quote]" -Oscar Wilde


                            • #89
                              And this is for EmuGod!

                              Chechen independence! I'm giving it without negotiations because it is easier to discuss when you actually have it. Trust
                              Attached Files
                              "[A thoughtful Quote]" -Oscar Wilde


                              • #90
                                * Singapore has taken its first steps in the Indian conflict by blockng the strait of Malacca. Singapore wishes to see it's mosle brothers in Pakistan and Bagladesh free, and this is the way we will protest. This is not intendd as a hostile action (that'd be me sinking the indian transport).

                                * Great Britain, Turkey, and Israel cogratulates the Americans on their victory in Iraq. It looks like they got the conflict under control. Brittish and Turkish troops are heading home.

                                * Poland and Norway takes a stand in the India-conflict and deannounce it's support for America.

                                * British trade goods arive in the U.S

                                * Riots in Bogota. The war with the FARC guerilla takes its toll on the people. Rebels still controls the southern base.
                                Attached Files
                                "Peace cannot be kept by force.
                                It can only be achieved by understanding"

