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Immigrants from EVO - sign in!

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  • Immigrants from EVO - sign in!

    Ok, I don't know how many made it over, but I'd like to settle here and prosper at Apolyton once again. Let's make this our PBEM HQ from now on.

    Sign in if you survived the trip over.
    Find my civ2 scenarios here

    Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!

  • #2
    reporting in for new pbems.

    i´m willing to give it a shot...
    South Atlantic Conflict v1.2 - Civ II Scenario
    Iron Curtain v1.1 - Civ II Scenario


    • #3
      Hi all!


      • #4
        Great. Let's hope they all find the way over. I really prefer this over the new site to be honest. If I remember correctly, we don't even have to zip the files here.
        Find my civ2 scenarios here

        Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


        • #5
          Im around and about here to...
          "Live Long and Profit"


          • #6
            so, what scenario/game will you be playing? I'd like to join..


            • #7

              reported in here!!!

              well, evo games suffered a database crash. i told this to alejandro via MSN as well. i don't know what's happening????. EVO staff is improving the site as well.


              let me you to introduce this guy named "IseeAll". i played a ww2( traditional) pbem with him. there is a thread about that.

              IseeAll: sorry to don't tell you about the scens. i wanted to contact you once Evo game forum was available again.
              i comment you. Eivind IV, is the most productive scenario designer together with Academia.
              we use to play the scenarios
              we play their scens, we enjoy pbems with them.

              good luck.


              • #8
                well, i think that this is the big question:
                did we lose all the savegames from our pbems?

                can we keep on playing them? or should we start new ones?
                South Atlantic Conflict v1.2 - Civ II Scenario
                Iron Curtain v1.1 - Civ II Scenario


                • #9
                  i do have my savegames saved on my computer. my last turns. i guess you too. we should upload the scens once again.

                  anyways we should contact Rebel, Saladin, Blanco, Typhon and Eurisko when he is back again, to go on.
                  i'd like to finish the Nwo order pbem, the colonialism. ( both are very advanced ). and start the blessed bk1936 last patch of eivind. i would like to test it.

                  let's rebuild all again.


                  • #10
                    Re: re:

                    Originally posted by Bostero
                    reported in here!!!

                    i wanted to contact you once Evo game forum was available again.
                    i comment you. Eivind IV, is the most productive scenario designer together with Academia.
                    we use to play the scenarios
                    we play their scens, we enjoy pbems with them.

                    good luck.
                    Thanks a lot! I'll test the scenarios for sure. I understand you have started a game on some other site and haven't yet moved all of the saves to this forum. So, I guess I'll wait until it's up to see how it is going.


                    • #11
                      Saladin is looking to start a PBEM of his new Napoleon scenario so maybe tat can be started here.

                      Eivind, just out of curiosity, wheren't you Kobra here on apolyton?


                      • #12

                        we have to decide over this, what about a high council over MSN to settle this matter


                        • #13
                          Greetings, EVO-lved ones. Welcome back!

                          Don't mean to intrude if y'all are a semi-private group. But as someone who's recently "come back" to the purity and elegance of CivII, I'd like to invite anyone interested to consider Kull's Seeds of Greatness scenario.

                          We're trying to start a second game, in which the Barbarian Wrath variant will actually work. And we're currently conducting a test to confirm that everything works right in hotseat mode (results are positive, so far).

                          If you'd like to check it out, join our test game. The "test" will continue until we have seven confirmed. We thought we were at or close to seven a couple of times, but real life keeps interfering with our avocation. It's very casual, we're still hashing out what, if any, house rules to apply as part of the test, so if you just want to investigate whether this scenario is your cup of tea, you can do so without any long-term commitment. But we think you'll get hooked.


                          • #14
                            I'm very pleased to see that we are this many already. And welcome to the new faces! I too have all my last save games on my computer, so we should be able to continue where we left off, more or less.

                            I'd like to continue the Colonialism game Academia, Dario, Rebel, Eurisko and I were playing. We seem to need a new England now though, that Eurisko has gone AWOL.

                            And I'd like to continue the La Belle Epoque scenario that we were playing. The one where Tojo justc ame into office in Japan.

                            Also we were about to restart a 1936 scenario as well. We may however start a new one here if you wish to join. If there's interest I can make a little patch to improve some things.
                            Last edited by Eivind IV; September 2, 2006, 09:30.
                            Find my civ2 scenarios here

                            Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Eivind IV
                              I'm very pleased to see that we are this many already. And welcome to the new faces! I too have all my last save games on my computer, so we should be able to continue where we left off, more or less.

                              I'd like to continue the Colonialism game Academia, Dario, Rebel, Eurisko and I were playing. We seem to need a new England now though, that Eurisko has gone AWOL.

                              And I'd like to continue the La Belle Epoque scenario that we were playing. The one where Tojo justc ame into office in Japan.

                              Also we were about to restart a 1936 scenario as well. We may however start a new one here if you wish to join. If there's interest I can make a little patch to improve some things.
                              well, then i propose to start opening new topics. what are we waiting? more players?
                              South Atlantic Conflict v1.2 - Civ II Scenario
                              Iron Curtain v1.1 - Civ II Scenario

