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A newbie?

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  • A newbie?

    Big hello to all, first of all!

    Having owned Civ2 since it basically came out, I started playing it again recently, though entirely unpatched (didn't know they patched things that far back. Anyway, googling to answer some question, I found this site and started to read on. Some info I found was pretty new, some I'd forgotten and some advice seemed pretty crap (like building cities on a river!), so I went back to my game of (what you call) ICS.

    Anyway, I patched up my game and got on with my usual thrashing of the computer and noticed that my roaded rivers now produced 2 trade! What a patch! I used to avoid them at all costs. SoL now causes insta revolutions and much more. Anyway, the 2 trade thing on rivers made me come back to learn much more and see that there is indeed some multi players still around.

    I've never had the opportunity to multiplay civ, though would love to do so. I don't have a copy of MPG, so need to know where to find one. Any advice is much appreciated.

    Somewhat different here... I notice that all the tactics seem to apply to small / medium maps more than anything. I've tried out building an SSC empire (1880 landing) but had no computer player worthy of connecting to, so I connected the SSC to my other city with the HG and a couple of whales. Building the HG / Colossus here was quite different from my normal approach of HG / Oracle. I generally build all the science improvements but go for conquest in the time of bombers and spies. This was my first early landing game attempt so I consider it a qualified success.

    Certainly, not finding the only other 20+ AI cities was a problem. Perhaps I should have explored more, earlier. Anyway, I can see I'm somewhat outclassed by the players here (crazy OCCs) but would love to have a rumble with people.

    Back to my point, if someone can hook me up with a copy of MP civ, It'd be most appreciated.



  • #2
    I can't believe that you won't find it in the bargain bins for under 10 dollars.
    It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
    RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


    • #3
      Thanks for the reply rah.

      Certainly thats something i'm wishing for, but not too hopeful of as I've been unable to find it in online retailers. I seem to have found a patch on the civfanatics site that updates to MP, but requires the CD... which I shall have a hunt for promptly. I'd love to try and make a transition to Civ 4 but I kinda need a new motherboard / cpu and gfx card. Something that doesn't hold me back elsewhere and after the total disappointment of Civ3 (which I found so crazilly easy, yet annoying at the same time) I'm rather hessitant to put up the outlay.

      The link for the civfanatics patches is here for anyone that is interested.

      I fear that the last few MP games may well be played in the near future and I may well have missed the last tirime from the barren lands of Civ 2 into the future unknown of Civ4. Civ 3 kept people playing 2 for much longer than is right for a 10 year old game yet the transition to 4 is proving favorable to those who can.


      • #4
        try amazon and ebay?
        "the bigger the smile, the sharper the knife"
        "Every now and again, declare peace. it confuses the hell out of your enemies."


        • #5
          Originally posted by Toilie
          I fear that the last few MP games may well be played in the near future and I may well have missed the last tirime from the barren lands of Civ 2 into the future unknown of Civ4.
          Hey there,

          I've also recently dusted off my old CivII, and rekindled my enjoyment of that game. I never liked CIVIII, and while CIV IV looks much better, I'm waiting until they finish the game and include all the scenario/multiplayer/patches/performance fixes that should've been in the first version, before I spend a lot of time on it.

          Meanwhile, what always held my interest in CIVII wasn't the vanilla game itself, but the wide variety of scenarios that users (mostly Apolyton folks) put together for CIVII. Some are still being played multiplayer via PBEM. In fact we're trying to start up a new one of a scenario called "Seeds of Greatness" by Kull. Seeds of Greatness is a scenario that retains much of the "feel" of vanilla civ, but is set, entirely in the ancient world.

          The reason I post here, is that we're going to try to kick the game off with a network multiplayer session if possible, and we want to do some experimenting before we start the "real" game. It requires MGE, though, and I'm skeptical that the Civfanatics hack/patch will work well, but you can try to join us if you're interested. Check the PBEM threads for details.


          • #6
            Atomat, thanks. Been trying the online dealers. Unfortunately, I get results for US based 2nd handers, rather than UK based ones. I'm still looking though.

            Robroy, I am interested in a PBEM, however, I notice that they do take some time. My life at the minnute is rather changable however and I'd have trouble comitting to any long term game.

