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Freeciv Event Examples

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  • #76
    Playtesters required!

    I'm looking for play testers to test the below scenario. It is a manual conversion of a Civilisation II Multiplayer Gold Edition scenario into Freeciv. Although far from perfect, it is playable. Your feedback will be greatly appreciated.

    The scenario was make with Freeciv 2.1.99-20060608 for windows. I don't know how well it will work on other versions or systems.

    Obviously this is not my own original work, so I would like to acknowledge: Microprose for making the scenario; the Freeciv development team for making the editor; the maker of civ2mptofc.exe; and Harry Tuttle's booklegend.xls.

    Download it here:


    • #77
      Hmmm, mine bombed out when I ended the initial turn. I was playing the Indians.


      • #78
        After game have started, civserver gives following errors:

        1: Failed sanity check in Herat[4](107, 61): workers + city_specialists(pcity) == pcity->size + 1 (/home/freeciv/server/sanitycheck.c:310)
        1: Failed sanity check in Kandahar[3](113, 59): workers + city_specialists(pcity) == pcity->size + 1 (/home/freeciv/server/sanitycheck.c:310)
        1: Failed sanity check in Merv[4](98, 58): workers + city_specialists(pcity) == pcity->size + 1 (/home/freeciv/server/sanitycheck.c:310)

        and so on. And it seems to me that city has one more tile worked (so for Kabul with size 4 we have 5 worked tiles.)

        I have some outdated source - r11991 from 23.05.2006, but there were no changes for server/sanitycheck.c from this revision. So, there may be bug in freeciv (editor?). I'll try to verify this next evening.

        Uh, oh... Sure, there is a bug in freeciv with caravans which has no homecity. (This is a reason of being "bombed".) I don't know now how to fix this right: should such caravans be forbidden at loading or just find new homecity.

        Thanks, evyscr


        • #79
          Originally posted by Harry Tuttle
          That save is on a 6000 tile map with about 20 civs and around 380 cities.

          When I get back, I have to get to know that Freecýv thýng
          "I realise I hold the key to freedom,
          I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
          Middle East!


          • #80
            Oh dear! I assumed that if the scenario loaded without crashing that there weren't any errors, so I haven't bothered testing the last few versions. It looks like its back to the drawing board. And after so much work!

            evyscr: Thanks for your help. I am right in understanding that there are two problems - one with worked tiles and one with caravans?


            • #81
              demipomme: yes, you're right. Problem with worked tiles is related to [free] city center: in problematic cities it is non-worked.
              However, I can't guarantee that there are no other problems
              All units now have no homecity. IIRC, in original civ2 scenario several units (at least Byzanthium's) had homecities. But this cause problem only with caravans.
              BTW, all cities produce Warriors. I'm not sure this is right.
              Also, every player has neither current research nor research target.


              • #82
                I'm guessing that "workers" is the part of the city data I need to edit, but I haven't got a clue how it works. Any suggestions?

                I'm aware of the homecity, currently building and researching short-comings. I'm yet to get fully to grips with the editor and data files in order to get this right (and have time!). Hopefully once I've got it not crashing I can edit this.


                • #83
                  I'm a bit busy right now but I'm planning to check this out later.

                  Keep it up demiponne! Just remember, at this point everything we get working in Freeciv scenario design is setting new grounds.
                  Skeptics should forego any thought of convincing the unconvinced that we hold the torch of truth illuminating the darkness. A more modest, realistic, and achievable goal is to encourage the idea that one may be mistaken. Doubt is humbling and constructive; it leads to rational thought in weighing alternatives and fully reexamining options, and it opens unlimited vistas.

                  Elie A. Shneour Skeptical Inquirer


                  • #84
                    Fixed the caravan error (thanks again evyscr!). Haven't yet looked at the worker problem, but it doesn't seem to crash now. See:


                    • #85
                      Harry some updates for your booklegend:

                      Researching_name="A_UNSET" can be used to give the "None" in game.

                      a001 etc relate to the vision of each civilisation. The code works like this:

                      0 Noone
                      1 Player0
                      2 Player1
                      3 Player0 & Player1
                      4 Player2
                      5 Player0 & Player2
                      6 Player1 & Player2
                      7 Player0, Player1 & Player2
                      8 Player3
                      9 Player0 & Player3
                      a Player1 & Player3
                      b Player2 & Player3
                      c Player0, Player2 & Player3
                      d Player1, Player2 & Player3
                      e Player0, Player1, Player2 & Player3

                      dc={} relates to the cities known about by the civilisation.


                      • #86
                        Seems, it works like placing workers in regular game. Unfortunally, observer cannot do that nowadays The only way to place them right for now is to manually edit sav file (city chapter, "workers" variable - 25 characters, 2 means non-available tiles, 1 - working tiles, 0 - non-working tiles.)
                        I have no clue about having non-working city center. (How one can get it?! It should be impossible!) Think, there should be a button that checks city working tiles and fixes problem. Will try to make a patch soon.
                        As a workaround I trying to make perl script to automatically fixing a problem on sav file. If I'll be lucky, I'll post modified file.

                        On the second problem (caravans with no homecity) I've wrote a patch that allow you to change homecity for homeless unit in editor mode. (Well, this patch is enough only for solving caravan problem since it works only for units in city which we make new home.) Hope to see this patch commited soon.

                        Thanks, evyscr


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by demipomme
                          Harry some updates for your booklegend:

                          Researching_name="A_UNSET" can be used to give the "None" in game.

                          a001 etc relate to the vision of each civilisation. The code works like this:

                          0 Noone
                          1 Player0
                          2 Player1
                          3 Player0 & Player1
                          4 Player2
                          5 Player0 & Player2
                          6 Player1 & Player2
                          7 Player0, Player1 & Player2
                          8 Player3
                          9 Player0 & Player3
                          a Player1 & Player3
                          b Player2 & Player3
                          c Player0, Player2 & Player3
                          d Player1, Player2 & Player3
                          e Player0, Player1, Player2 & Player3

                          dc={} relates to the cities known about by the civilisation.
                          Thank you, I will update

                          EDIT: Question though. When you mean vision, what do you mean?

                          Looking at the save the a001 has "f" for the total of the script.

                          a001="ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff fffffffffffffffffffffffff"

                          b000 etc... has a boatload of numbers in it.

                          Does the map repeat for over 4 players, eventually using c000, d000, etc? Does vision mean present turn vision? Is it the uncovered map?
                          Last edited by Harry Tuttle; June 28, 2006, 18:09.


                          • #88
                            As a workaround I trying to make perl script to automatically fixing a problem on sav file. If I'll be lucky, I'll post modified file.
                            Not sure that I'm lucky, but...

                   - Scenario with fixed workers (made from version with fixed caravans).
                   - Perl script that makes this fix.

                            Thanks, evyscr

                            PS Wouldn't it be better to use "civ2" ruleset rather than "default"?
                            Last edited by evyscr; June 28, 2006, 18:39.


                            • #89
                              > Looking at the save the a001 has "f" for the total of the script.
                              > a001="ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff fffffffffffffffffffffffff"

                              AI might have gandicape

                              >b000 etc... has a boatload of numbers in it.
                              > Does the map repeat for over 4 players, eventually using c000, d000, etc?

                              In savegame.c [abcd]000 are called '4-bit segments of the first half of the 32-bit "known" field'
                              And [eghi]000 are called '4-bit segments of the second half of the 32-bit "known" field'
                              So, [abcd] are for first 16 players, [eghi] - for second. "Known" field contains 1 in X bit if player number X knows this tile. (Fog-of-war is skipped here, AFAIK.)

                              [lunf]000 are used for specials (resources in previous times.)

                              > Does vision mean present turn vision?


                              > Is it the uncovered map?

                              Uncovered? Well, it is map, discovered by player.

                              PS. Is there a link to this booklegend?-)


                              • #90
                                Thanks Evyscr!

                                "Booklegend.xls" is available in post #39 of this thread. Post #39 is the last version I posted.

