I've been messing with a ToT conversion of Harlan Thompson's Mongol scenario, and I've used Merc's SpriteGen to 'remove' the health bars on mountain and fortification units. So far so good; I've created a spr file with the requisite units selected to hide health bar, placed it in the Mongol folder and edited the advanced units section of rules such that only these units have sprites selected (this will allow me to easily edit the other units as I go along without continually regenerating the sprite file).
Here's the problem: I load the game and open the graphic options menu to select animated units and find that this option is blanked out with no way of selecting it. Can anyone help?
You should know that I hashed up rules by tagging the default ToT rules from @civilize2 onwards onto the end of Harlan's rules. I'm not sure if this has any bearing on my problem....
Here's the problem: I load the game and open the graphic options menu to select animated units and find that this option is blanked out with no way of selecting it. Can anyone help?
You should know that I hashed up rules by tagging the default ToT rules from @civilize2 onwards onto the end of Harlan's rules. I'm not sure if this has any bearing on my problem....