Nothing wrong hearing about civIV from the hardcore II players. I think we have a slightly different perspective and I'm personally interested in this groups thoughts about it.
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How many Civ2ers are still playing Civ4?
I think I'm going to learn some of the basics before I give MP a try... haven't had a chance to really play it yet. I did install it, plus the patch... and the ole black screen of death no longer exists... IT WORKSKeep on Civin'
RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O
The basics are learnt quicker in mp games if the other players are willing to offer advice, I am very happy to offer advice to new players and deity will also, so check us out when we are on, we will give you a game and the advice you need for rapid improvements in your game strategy.
But you need to learn the basic game mechanics first.
At first I was making errors simply moving units, thinking one was active and it was really another unit which I'd send moving 18 turns in the wrong direction. I was even unsure how to fix it at first. Yes it's simple to see where I errored now, but it's not the type of stuff you want to do in a MP game. Practice a game in SP and you'll be ready. Learn the screen displays and how to use them.It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O
Whats the difference if you mess up in SP or MP?
EVeryone knows you are just starting so everyone will give advice . You will learn more in 2 MP games than you will in 15 SP games. And on top of it (and most important) you wont learn AI speciific strategies.
If you can get over the fact that you are gonna lose alot of games early, the quickest way to learn the game is to play MP
Id much rather ASK a HUMAN questions than PLAY an AI.
Not that I am the expert, but my advice woudl be:
1) Play the tutorial
2) Read the Civ IV Strategy Forums to get some basic knowledge
3) Play 1 or 2 games on Noble against the AI (I would do Pangea, std map, normal barbs. (Dont feel you have to beat the AI before you are ready for humans)
Be prepared to get your ass handed to you, but thats OK because all of us had our ass handed to us and everyone knows you are just learning.
I honestly believe you are better off playing 2 or 3 games against the AI than 10, and playing 20 against the AI is worse than playing 10. (If you plan on eventually playing MP)
Anyways thats my 2 centsLast edited by Deity Dude; January 25, 2006, 00:14.
I have to full heartedly support that DD
Sure, you need to frig around with a bit of AI - 30 mins or so
And basic game mechanics are learnt quick; then you ask about the rest. I'm still learning stuff of course. Trev a good teacherAs was Frank.
I started playing MP within an hour of installing Civ4 for the first time! And my score was pretty equal to the others."Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
I haven't put a lot of time in yet... but learning the basics is key... I've accidently moved all units out of city and lost them... Hell, I didn't even know how to end a game at first. While I'm sure I will learn faster against humans than the AI, I would at least like to be confortable with the basic rules and screens before playing MPKeep on Civin'
RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O
Yes, learn the game mechanics first to avoid total embarassment. There's enough embarassment to be had with strat.But once you learn the screens, I'll practice with you.
I need it
It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O