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Question about the Fantasy Game

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  • Question about the Fantasy Game

    How do I unleash the "ice titans", and make them cover midgard in ice?
    Be nice or I'll nuke you. ;)

  • #2
    Of the top of my head, kill the great dragon in the underworld. The end result is that you will get either dragon lore and a load of gold or you will unleash the titans.

    I can only ever recall two end results to the titans being released. 1) the gods win and all the hills turned to wastelands. 2) the titans win and all the worlds become frozen. If the titans win and the world turns to frozen, then all the cities on midgard itself are wiped out. Undersea cities can survive as do cities in the underworld. Not sure about the cloud world. The underworld usually loses terrain improvements.



    • #3
      thanks. How do i do it with the Midgard Scenario? I think i gotta play as the stygians, according to the events.txt...
      Last edited by PlutonianEmpire; January 3, 2007, 09:34.
      Be nice or I'll nuke you. ;)


      • #4
        No idea. Never played the Midgard Scnario. If the event.txt file suggests that the trigger is Stygian only then you probably would have to play as the stygians.



        • #5
          you need to find a special undersea wreck in migard(113,159), and you have to kill the skeleton there. all this has to take place after the 4th hit from the wizard.

