And now for a long (and necessary
) answer... 
Thanks! I would have added more ingame descriptions, but the file was full... 
Yes, I agree on that! And as only one side can be played, a house rule preventing city funding by Pioneers would do! 
Yes, from the half of it it gets boring, I am really disappointed by that part of my work! 
You might be right: I probably tried to stay too close to the original RPG scenario, which might be funny for me, but for me only!
I'll probably have to modify the "cast" for the next version...
Thanks! I must admit I quite like it too! 
Agree once again: I tried to tune it down, and as I found no easy way to do it (shame on me), I left it like that... 
So do I: I'm really happy with the first half of the game, and really disappointed by the rest of it! I'll have to make a new (ToT) version... 
I share all your views on that! 
I might change the buildable units, but I like your idea!
As a DM myself, I bow to your mastery of BS! 
And I'll probably use something along those lines...
Thanks to both of you for taking the time to play it and to make such a detailed reporting!
In short:
- I fully agree with your views
- I'll make a 2nd version (not now, though
), taking into account all your comments and suggestions! (thanks for those!
- the 2nd version will be for ToT, as this will allow me to write more descriptions, add new "interesting" events, and give a more AD&D flavour by using other maps (and for instance have some quests for the heroes!)

Originally posted by Harry Tuttle
The scenario is decent, and very keen to detail. I really enjoyed the descriptions!
The scenario is decent, and very keen to detail. I really enjoyed the descriptions!

However, like Agricola said, the units were really expensive and I'd love to have some more pioneers.

The gameplay got a bit boring in the middle with the constant smash and kill of weak units and the near constant recce for heavy hitters. I don't know how the story of Pomarj goes, but some variation might be nice.

I did like the units, but some seemed to be more or less copies of each other, as far as strength goes. Maybe less is more?

The two big events I found in the game are nice. I like the dam idea as well as the twisted forest. That change terrain event is fun.

I did have to turn the sound off after awhile. The mounted hero unit has this really loud attack that might need to be turned down a bit. I almost hesitated to use him because my girlfriend was asleep in the other room.

Overall I enjoyed the game. There are some aspects that need polishing, but I liked playing it.

Originally posted by AGRICOLA
I have mixed feelings about this scen.
I have mixed feelings about this scen.

Technically, Pomarj is very innovative.
It has a number of very ingenious and original features (no spoiler info from me, try it yourself) and has been very carefully designed.

The idea of a scen based on a D&D game should work but, IMHO, does not entirely in this case.
Drastic changes were in order if there was much point in continuing playing.
Drastic changes were in order if there was much point in continuing playing.

To try to breathe some life and interest into the scen, I made the following units buildable:
Ranger @ 200 shields
Legion @ 300
Knights @ 400
Copper Dragon @ 600
Ent @ 700
Ranger @ 200 shields
Legion @ 300
Knights @ 400
Copper Dragon @ 600
Ent @ 700
The enabling tech for all is Wenta Clerics. My marvelously self-serving rationale was that the clerics would attract lawful types like rangers and knights, legions and dragons would work for whoever has enough gold and the ents would believe the clerics’ promises that, unlike eastern Pomarj where most forests have been cut to make room for farms, the vast forests of western Pomarj won’t get chopped down. How’s that for typical DM BS rationalization?

And I'll probably use something along those lines...

I agree with Harry's opinion that the first half of the scen is both interesting and fun to play but some changes would be welcome in the second half.
Thanks to both of you for taking the time to play it and to make such a detailed reporting!

In short:
- I fully agree with your views
- I'll make a 2nd version (not now, though

- the 2nd version will be for ToT, as this will allow me to write more descriptions, add new "interesting" events, and give a more AD&D flavour by using other maps (and for instance have some quests for the heroes!)
