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something to reveal: text commands

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  • something to reveal: text commands

    Let us bring into public knowledge what I wanted to keep
    for myself
    By Allard H.S. Höfelt
    May be used freely without my permission.
         Not all of these function everywhere, eg. they do not work in
      events, menus, etc. Also, some functions are prefixed, eg. the field
      to fill in your name is an editbox, though the @options tag is used
      as with any other value. Also the "^" command works very differently
      in CREDITS.TXT than normally.
      It is also unfortunately not possible to add icons/units to places
      where they are not originally, nor is it possible to make "links"
      to other dialog boxes or to call up movies, etc.
          I am not certain about the commands in Test of Time. There might
      be more commands (though I seem to remember John Possidente said there
      were none), and there might be new tricks.
          The commands given here are all the commands that work. It has
      been checked while hex-editing the civ2.exe file (near the end of
      the file) and there are no more of them. In Colonization and Antietam
      and probably more similar MicroProse games, various other commands
      are usable, but they do unfortunately not work in civ2.
          Combining several values, however, can lead to surprising results,
      and I am certain that not all of it has yet been found. Be original,
      therefore, with your tries, and remember that a command might not work
      the same in one place and another (especially true for the @options
          Not all commands have to be added at the top of the file. This
      again is especially true for @options.
    -----------main commands-----------
        box with list of choices. You can add @options later.
        .... is the no. of rows
        radio buttons that can be selected. You can type text
        before you add @options to make that text appear on
        top of the options, so you do not necessarily have to
        add @options at the top of the file.
     @default=... number of radio button selected by default
     @checkbox    uses checkboxes instead of radioboxes
      option1     text that shows up in available
      option2         options (every new line is new option)
       Note: leaving one line empty usually also automatically
       ----- add the @options command to the next lines.
        forces all the next text to be displayed as normal
        text instead of listboxes, options, etc.
        columns, appears to be only used with listboxes and options
    @button=..... adds new button left of OK with .... as text on button
    @title=...... title of box
    -----------location commands-----------
    @width=.....  width of dialog box
    @height=..... height of dialog box
    @length=..... length of dialog box
    @y=.....      y location (- is lower)
    @x=.....      x location (- is more to right)
    -----------obsolete commands-----------
      These are both older (used in Colonization) commands with no effect.
    -----------some more useful strings/commands-----------
    %STRING0, %STRING1, ... = pieces of text used in memory.
    %NUMBER0, %NUMBER1, ... = numbers used in memory.
    ^  - New paragraph.
    ^^ - Center this line.
    @@ - Skips this line.
    ;  - Used to time comments after it. Does not always work.
    _  - A space. Used by some scenario authors (JB) to add empty lines.
    &  - Adds a line under the next letter. May be used only once per line.
    %  - Indicates a string or number. Works inpredictably in other cases.
    |  - Seems only usable in menu.txt and mapmenu.txt. Aligns further text
         to the right.
    -----------interesting tricks-----------
    - You can let the player choose its tribe from the scenario introduction
      screen instead of the next screen, which does not appear then. Simply
      open myscenarioname.txt, add "@listbox" on top, and add "@options"
      later on where you want to have the choices. Like this, you can also
      devide the available civs in 2 or even 3 columns and have more fun.
      The normal (next) screen where you choose your civ itself is not
      editable in the game.txt (!) so this is the only way of modifying it.
    - You can make a much longer scenario introduction text than normally
      (you can almost add half a book  [img][/img]) by adding "@listbox=.." with ..
      meaning the number of lines you want the text box to be high, and
      later add "@options". All text after options will be in a scrolling box.
      Note that this is basically the same as the trick above only you type
      your text AFTER @options. The nice thing of this is that it also allows
      you to type the more important text above the box, and you can use the
      box itself for text giving flavour. You can add "."'s in an further
      empty line to make it empty, and allowing a new paragraph, which would
      normally not be possible, because no empty lines are allowed.
    - If you wish to disable certain options (which only works for menus, and
      therefore only to humans and then only to options which do not have
      keyboard shortcuts) in menus, game.txt or wherever, simply add @@ at
      the beginning of the line. Unfortunately, this does not change the
      assigned command for that location (i.e. if you remove "begin scenario"
      in the first screen when you start up the game, selecting "view credits"
      will show you the hall of fame, and selecting "load game" will still
      bring you to the load scenario screen). Adding a ~ before the first or the
      second character in various of the lines might do the trick, but it is
      very unstable, illogical, and only works at some places (i've only seen
      it working in the same very screen I just talked of).
    - A great deal of fun can be achieved by adding more options (simply more
      lines below) to certain values, such as adding more levels of difficulty
      and more barbarians. This is known already for a while.
      However, another fun thing to add is this. In the field in GAME.TXT where
      the scenario player has to fill in its name, you can simply add more lines:
          @title=Please Enter Your Name
          Political Preference:
          Date of Birth:
          Place of Birth:
      In the next screen, the gender screen, let's remove the gender question,
      assuming that Stalin is only supposed to be male, and let's add this
        ^^New %STRING2 Ruler has been announced.
        ^^%STRING0 will soon start his new function.
        ^^%STRING0 was born on the %STRING3 in %STRING4. As
        ^^soon as he finished his University carreer, he
        ^^joined the %STRING1 party.
      Remember that the %strings values will soon be overwritten with new values
      that the game uses (it's funny to find these out by adding a %string0 or 1
      to a frequently occuring pop-up screen). Therefore, you might want to ask
      the more important questions later, to allow them to return later. Remember
      however, that when quitting the game, the values are lost and are also not
      saved when you save the game. Keep this in mind to avoid strange messages
      in the game, and use the strings only in the very first few pop-ups and
      the first turns.
    - Remember that any text can be changed in GAME.TXT. If you wish to make
      clear that the human player should only choose Deity level, write that
      before the @options start. You can add whole little stories, for example
      like this, another, more fun, way of asking your name.
        ^"Friends, - for common to all is our return hereafter, and common
        to all is our path - now therefore with ungrudging heart choose
        the bravest to be our leader, who shall be careful for everything,
        to take upon him our quarrels and covenants with strangers."
      You can also change the text that you see when you save or load a game,
      such as remove the title of the leader, or you can change the text if
      a saved game is in obsolete or later format ("Sorry, this scenario is
      only playable using Fantastic Worlds").
    - I imagine many more things are possible without me yet knowing of it.
      Explore these commands and use them in your scenarios.

  • #2
    Some examples:

    A nicer intro screen

    Fill in your name

    Choose your civ screen and intro screen in one


    • #3
      Hey, that is cool. I've gotta try that myself!
      Follow the masses!
      30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!


      • #4
        "Compromises are not always good things. If one guy wants to drill a five-inch hole in the bottom of your life boat, and the other person doesn't, a compromise of a two-inch hole is still stupid." - chegitz guevara
        "Bill3000: The United Demesos? Boy, I was young and stupid back then.
        Jasonian22: Bill, you are STILL young and stupid."

        "is it normal to imaginne dartrh vader and myself in a tjhreee way with some hot chick? i'ts always been my fantasy" - Dis


        • #5
          That's really cool.

          Next time, don't make the type so small with the quotes.

          Now, how much extra memory would using this (well, some of it) take up? Like...nothing?


          • #6

            Now, how much extra memory would using this (well, some of it) take up? Like...nothing?

            why would it take more memory? it's just an edit for game.txt, they're not events. well I have no idea if it will take more memory but do not suppose so.
            I mean, it's not a trick or something, the commands are used in game.txt and a lot of other text files, it's just that nobody ever cared to find out what it all means. and what to do with them.
            [This message has been edited by Allard HS (edited May 06, 2000).]


            • #7
              Let us all bow down before this genius of the later ages.

              St. Leo
              Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


              • #8
                1. Could you please post the code for the Ancient Empires Scenario Intro? Your instructions are not very clear on that point.

                2. There is a way to combine text boxes and option buttons, right?

                St. Leo
                Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


                • #9
                  Just one thing; is it possible, at the point where you add more lines to the "enter your name" screen, to stop it printing stupid default values in the boxes? For example, the second box will contain the scenario starting date, the third the finishing date, the fourth the start date again, the fifth the difficulty, and so on.
                  "Paul Hanson, you should give Gibraltar back to the Spanish" - Paiktis, dramatically over-estimating my influence in diplomatic circles.

                  Eyewerks - you know you want to visit. No really, you do. Go on, click me.


                  • #10

                    That's the most impressive discovery since the event-files were introduced in 1997 (with CiC, V 2.62).

                    Those will revolute the whole Game a further time. i thought RedFront would be the highest level of scenario and game design, but now there are even newer and also better advances going on.

                    Curious how strong this will change and/or improve the scenario writing...


                    • #11
                      Actually, I found out all this already quite a while ago, but I wanted to keep it a surprise till my next scenario comes out, but since I doubt that will ever happen, I thought, no reason to withhold my information.
                      Actually, I asked the same a while ago to John Possidente in the ToT forum. Let me find the link .
                      As you'll see there, no need to make too much out of this, to describe it as a new "events" language as I did before is far too exagerated, cause the more interesting things are all hard-coded in the game.

                      Does anyone, by the way, own that Ultimate Guide to Scenario Building John Possidente was mentioning? I don't like buying such books (I ám Dutch after all).


                      Could you please post the code for the Ancient Empires Scenario Intro? Your instructions are not very clear on that point.

                      I already did they are mere examples of what I told in my first post (though the letters are too small). Yes, I took Ancient Empires as an example it was the first of the alphabet listed in my scenarios folder. Here it comes again:
                      - "You can let the player choose its tribe from the scenario introduction screen instead of the next screen, which does not appear then. Simply open myscenarioname.txt, add "@listbox" on top, and add "@options" later on where you want to have the choices. Like this, you can also devide the available civs in 2 or even 3 columns and have more fun. The normal (next) screen where you choose your civ itself is not editable in the game.txt (!) so this is the only way of modifying it."


                      There is a way to combine text boxes and option buttons, right

                      that doesn't seem to work. It doesn't seem that more than one command work individually (i.e. separately from each other, so i mean first some options, then some text, then more options). But, I don't know all of it myself 100%. It might also very well be.


                      is it possible, at the point where you add more lines to the "enter your name" screen, to stop it printing stupid default values in the boxes

                      If you find a way to clear the %string1's and 2's etc. then the field would be empty. The dates are in there cause the date has been used as that specific string number earlier in the program (in the scenario intro text it has) and has remained in memory as that string. I don't think that is possible, i'm afraid. I mean, that's the thing I said that a lot of things are hardcoded; there is unfortunately no way to make the game do special things. I mean, it's not a programming language.
                      Oh well, there are worse things in life than pre-filled in texts...


                      i thought RedFront would be the highest level of scenario and game design

                      Red Front was the first scenario to make advanced use of the Game.txt. By editing the philosophy pop-up, which added a nice icon above a seemingly events' message. Τhat was extremely clever, and was the reason why i got interested in these text commands in the first place.

                      poeh! now I'm tired of typing.


                      • #12

                        Does anyone, by the way, own that Ultimate Guide to Scenario Building John Possidente was mentioning? I don't like buying such books (I ám Dutch after all).

                        Well, I don`t think that being Dutch constitutes a reason for not buying scenario building books

                        "Paul Hanson, you should give Gibraltar back to the Spanish" - Paiktis, dramatically over-estimating my influence in diplomatic circles.

                        Eyewerks - you know you want to visit. No really, you do. Go on, click me.


                        • #13
                          I have JOhn Possidente's book. Taught me everything I need to know about scenario building.

                          "There's one more thing you men can say when it's all over and you're home once more. You can thank God that twenty years from now when you're sitting by the fireside with your grandson on your knee, and he asks you what you did in the war, you won't have to shift him to the other knee, cough and say, 'I shovelled **** in Louisiana.'"
                          -General George S. Patton addressing his troops before D-Day landings June 1944
                          Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


                          • #14
                            Simply open myscenarioname.txt, add "@listbox" on top, and add "@options" later on where you want to have the choices. Like this, you can also devide the available civs in 2 or even 3 columns and have more fun.

                            Do you have to type in the options by hand or does the computer do it for you? Again, please post the code for the screenshots - examples are often very good at clarifying issues.

                            St. Leo
                            Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


                            • #15

                              Well, I don`t think that being Dutch constitutes a reason for not buying scenario building books

                              it does for spending money . Don't ask me why but Dutch have that name in some countries, though of course that is absolutely not true (well, it is kinda, for me at least).


                              have JOhn Possidente's book. Taught me everything I need to know about scenario building

                              is there anything interesting in about all this stuff that we didn't know yet? And what about strings?


                              Do you have to type in the options by hand or does the computer do it for you? Again, please post the code for the screenshots - examples are often very good at clarifying issues

                              okok, if you insist , let's try to do it again. you'll see it's really not very special. here it comes (I shortened the intro text a bit to leave space for the civs to choose):


                              ^^Length: %STRING1 to %STRING2
                              ^The year is 1200 B.C. The place is the Ancient Middle East. It's a time when four large
                              ^empires are contending for dominance in the Eastern Mediterranean. Several of these
                              ^cultures have existed for thousands of years, their power alternately rising and falling
                              ^depending on the fortunes of their ruling dynasties. But now, something has changed.
                              ^A combination of peoples in motion and an innovative new military technology have
                              ^dramatically altered the old balance of power. It's the end of the Bronze Age and mighty
                              ^empires are about to crumble! Will yours be one of them? The top contenders:
                              ^The Gods of War are thirsting for blood. Don't disappoint them!
                              @end -- this line must be here!

