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New Ideas for the GL

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  • New Ideas for the GL

    Dear Apolytoners,

    The Great Library has become an old damsel, so let's give us a new face to her.
    Nearly everybody knows the wikipedia, so you have a feeling for what is possible.
    The software used by the wikipedia is mediawiki. It's easy to install and easy to configure (also available for Window Systems - I#ve installed it on my bureau PC).
    Why not take it for the new GL? Searching would be much easier,
    so would be finding of threads. And there would be many more advantages.

    What's your opinion?
    There are no silly questions - only silly answers
    <a href="">Strategy Guide</a>

  • #2
    Why not just add the GL to wikipadia?


    • #3
      Re: New Ideas for the GL

      Originally posted by ramses II.
      Dear Apolytoners,

      What's your opinion?
      My opinion is that there are 2 players you MUST contact if you have ideas about the GL:

      1) Scouse Gits is co-creator of the GL
      2) SlowThinker is creator of the GL#2

      If I were you, I would PM each of them to begin with.
      Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


      • #4
        @La Fayette
        You are right, but my intention was not to hurt any "copyrights". PM to each of them will follow.
        There are no silly questions - only silly answers
        <a href="">Strategy Guide</a>

