BLITZKRIEG 1942 (version 3.0)
======= INTRO =======
In the same way I made the first version of Blitzkrieg 1942, which was by changing the Blitzkrieg 1936 scenario into a total war 1942 scenario, I did again based on all the new 1936 versions. This was a major undertaking and this Blitzkrieg 1942 v.3 is the ultimate Blitzkrieg scenario! It is almost unrecognizable in comparison the previous 1942 version, so please, do enjoy!
======= CIVILISATIONS =======
You are about to launch a greater summer offensive into the Caucasus to secure vital drops of oil for your military machine, and once and for all end the war in the east. Mind also that the Americans are yet to show what they are good for and you can bet they won't do anything rushed.
Imperial Japan:
Japan has turned aggressive and has in a short amount of time found themselves masters of Pacific Asia. Only British India, Australia and America compromises total supremacy. Finish the job that was started in Pearl Harbour and crush the American Pacific navy.
The United States was attacked by the Japanese in Peal Harbour late last year, followed by a war declaration from the Western Axis, and was forced into the war. Pearl Harbour must be avenged and the Third Reich must be stopped. Your goal should be to harass the Axis enough to give the Soviets some breathing room. Aid the Soviets in any way possible, be it with actual hardware or cold hard cash.
British Commonwealth:
The British Empire and the Commonwealth are about the only ones to have stood up against Hitler without succumbing to the Nazis. Now your goal must be to bring the war to Hitler’s doorstep and open a second front to releave the Soviets. Also, stand off the dangerously succesful Japanese juggernaut.
Soviet Union:
Russia was caught by surprise when Hitler invaded in June 1941. Now he has put most of European Russia under his Thousand Year Reich. With help from your allies, bring the war to Germany.
(The Neutrals and the Vichy-French are not playable)
======= CHANGES MADE =======
In extreme short, here's the changes made (In the Readme.doc the changes are listed in detail):
* Lots of terrain changes, including a brand new winter and summer version.
* The scenario is now stackable.
* Many rules changes made (tech tree, cosmic rules, unit names, movements, roles, attack-defence etc).
* Many new units.
* Many new events.
* Many graphics changed
* Some new cities and some cities moved.
* Rebalanced unit placement.
Introducing an innovative way to represent winter warfare and the pros and con's of it. Using James Dustin Reichwein's Mapcopy utility in a batch, two premade maps will be copied onto the save you play on.
1. Every October and April you will be asked to save the game as "bk1942", and go out to the Blitzkrieg 1942 folder:
2. Start the BLITZ1942-SUMMER-WINTER.bat and choose the new season. The first time you’ll need to do this will be in October 1942. Change it to winter terrain. Every March you will be asked to do the same drill, just then you must load the summer terrain. In the winter version the northern hemisphere of the World will be transformed to tundra, with the defensive terrain that follows (+100%). Hence the war progress will be slowed down during the winter and encourage spring offensives. This will also give the Russians some breathing room in the beginning of the scenario.
3. Reload the turn, and voila, you have winter or summer terrain.
2. Dario's Civ2 Diplo Fix v1.1.exe
To save event space I simply made one event disallowing diplomacy between nations. So, if you as USA for instance, want to invade Vichy-France, you’ll need to:
1. Save your game.
2. Open your turn in this tool and manually set the diplomacy between USA and Vichy-France to war. Remember to do this from both the USA and Vichy-France point of view.
3. Reload the turn, and voila, you’re at war!
3. Dario's Sea Stack Fixer BK1942v3.exe
As this scenario is stackable, even on the water, it may lead some annoying problems. This tailor made tool for this scenario only deals with this problem. If you ever should sink an aircraft carrier on a naval stack, you might encounter some problems on your next strike against the stack. Although after play testing this problem now should be rare, as Carriers now have the lowest defence and take the hit last in the stack, it might still happen. It may also happen if you sink a freighter with units inside. What the utility does is to remove all units that should have, in reality, gone down with the ship and move them to 62,0 (no-mans-land). Here the player is supposed to disband the units, but we know the AI won’t do it. At least it solves the problem in MP. You’ll need to:
1. Save your game.
2. Open your turn (don’t mind that is says NET-file, it accepts SAV-files as well) in the tool and type in the coordinates of the stack giving you problems.
3. Reload the turn, and voila, stack fixed.
======= HOUSE RULES =======
- Only the owner of Suez, Panama, Istanbul, Hamburg (Kiel Canal), Gibraltar, Singapore, København and similar straits around the world, together with her allies, can sail through them. Not even freighters may cross.
- Only dive-bombers and fighters can land on Carriers.
- Subs can not carry V-1 missiles or atomic bombs.
- Fighters can not finish their turn on top of a land or sea unit stacks. Only planes can be escorted by planes.
- “Freezing” unita to gain longer ranges are prohibited.
- Building airbases to use them as rail ways are prohibited. Although Railways are removed from this scen.
- No creating of ZOC with the help of airplanes.
- Soviets may trade techs with the US and the UK alone.
- Japan and the Axis may trade techs among themselves.
- The US and the UK may not trade techs.
- Leaving airplanes over industrial terrain to starve cities may be considered Strategic Bombing.
======= DOWNLOAD =======
Blitzkrieg 1942
Using the new blitzkrieg tactics to crush opposition in Poland, Scandinavia, the Low Countries, France and the Balkans within two years, Hitler found himself in total command of the European Continent. At the same time the Axis continued to wreak havoc in North Africa and the Atlantic Ocean. In June 1941, Hitler invaded Russia. Right now he is launching an offensive to secure the Caucasus oil fields.
Meanwhile, in the Pacific, the Japanese have turned aggressive. Menaced by the American presence in the Pacific, the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor on December 1941, bringing the United States into the world war. By June 1942 they have taken control of most of Southeast Asia and reached as far as New Guinea on the road toward an invasion of Australia.
Here's your chance to rewrite history. The date: June 1942!
Using the new blitzkrieg tactics to crush opposition in Poland, Scandinavia, the Low Countries, France and the Balkans within two years, Hitler found himself in total command of the European Continent. At the same time the Axis continued to wreak havoc in North Africa and the Atlantic Ocean. In June 1941, Hitler invaded Russia. Right now he is launching an offensive to secure the Caucasus oil fields.
Meanwhile, in the Pacific, the Japanese have turned aggressive. Menaced by the American presence in the Pacific, the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor on December 1941, bringing the United States into the world war. By June 1942 they have taken control of most of Southeast Asia and reached as far as New Guinea on the road toward an invasion of Australia.
Here's your chance to rewrite history. The date: June 1942!
======= INTRO =======
In the same way I made the first version of Blitzkrieg 1942, which was by changing the Blitzkrieg 1936 scenario into a total war 1942 scenario, I did again based on all the new 1936 versions. This was a major undertaking and this Blitzkrieg 1942 v.3 is the ultimate Blitzkrieg scenario! It is almost unrecognizable in comparison the previous 1942 version, so please, do enjoy!
======= CIVILISATIONS =======
You are about to launch a greater summer offensive into the Caucasus to secure vital drops of oil for your military machine, and once and for all end the war in the east. Mind also that the Americans are yet to show what they are good for and you can bet they won't do anything rushed.
Imperial Japan:
Japan has turned aggressive and has in a short amount of time found themselves masters of Pacific Asia. Only British India, Australia and America compromises total supremacy. Finish the job that was started in Pearl Harbour and crush the American Pacific navy.
The United States was attacked by the Japanese in Peal Harbour late last year, followed by a war declaration from the Western Axis, and was forced into the war. Pearl Harbour must be avenged and the Third Reich must be stopped. Your goal should be to harass the Axis enough to give the Soviets some breathing room. Aid the Soviets in any way possible, be it with actual hardware or cold hard cash.
British Commonwealth:
The British Empire and the Commonwealth are about the only ones to have stood up against Hitler without succumbing to the Nazis. Now your goal must be to bring the war to Hitler’s doorstep and open a second front to releave the Soviets. Also, stand off the dangerously succesful Japanese juggernaut.
Soviet Union:
Russia was caught by surprise when Hitler invaded in June 1941. Now he has put most of European Russia under his Thousand Year Reich. With help from your allies, bring the war to Germany.
(The Neutrals and the Vichy-French are not playable)
======= CHANGES MADE =======
In extreme short, here's the changes made (In the Readme.doc the changes are listed in detail):
* Lots of terrain changes, including a brand new winter and summer version.
* The scenario is now stackable.
* Many rules changes made (tech tree, cosmic rules, unit names, movements, roles, attack-defence etc).
* Many new units.
* Many new events.
* Many graphics changed
* Some new cities and some cities moved.
* Rebalanced unit placement.
Introducing an innovative way to represent winter warfare and the pros and con's of it. Using James Dustin Reichwein's Mapcopy utility in a batch, two premade maps will be copied onto the save you play on.
1. Every October and April you will be asked to save the game as "bk1942", and go out to the Blitzkrieg 1942 folder:
2. Start the BLITZ1942-SUMMER-WINTER.bat and choose the new season. The first time you’ll need to do this will be in October 1942. Change it to winter terrain. Every March you will be asked to do the same drill, just then you must load the summer terrain. In the winter version the northern hemisphere of the World will be transformed to tundra, with the defensive terrain that follows (+100%). Hence the war progress will be slowed down during the winter and encourage spring offensives. This will also give the Russians some breathing room in the beginning of the scenario.
3. Reload the turn, and voila, you have winter or summer terrain.
2. Dario's Civ2 Diplo Fix v1.1.exe
To save event space I simply made one event disallowing diplomacy between nations. So, if you as USA for instance, want to invade Vichy-France, you’ll need to:
1. Save your game.
2. Open your turn in this tool and manually set the diplomacy between USA and Vichy-France to war. Remember to do this from both the USA and Vichy-France point of view.
3. Reload the turn, and voila, you’re at war!
3. Dario's Sea Stack Fixer BK1942v3.exe
As this scenario is stackable, even on the water, it may lead some annoying problems. This tailor made tool for this scenario only deals with this problem. If you ever should sink an aircraft carrier on a naval stack, you might encounter some problems on your next strike against the stack. Although after play testing this problem now should be rare, as Carriers now have the lowest defence and take the hit last in the stack, it might still happen. It may also happen if you sink a freighter with units inside. What the utility does is to remove all units that should have, in reality, gone down with the ship and move them to 62,0 (no-mans-land). Here the player is supposed to disband the units, but we know the AI won’t do it. At least it solves the problem in MP. You’ll need to:
1. Save your game.
2. Open your turn (don’t mind that is says NET-file, it accepts SAV-files as well) in the tool and type in the coordinates of the stack giving you problems.
3. Reload the turn, and voila, stack fixed.
======= HOUSE RULES =======
- Only the owner of Suez, Panama, Istanbul, Hamburg (Kiel Canal), Gibraltar, Singapore, København and similar straits around the world, together with her allies, can sail through them. Not even freighters may cross.
- Only dive-bombers and fighters can land on Carriers.
- Subs can not carry V-1 missiles or atomic bombs.
- Fighters can not finish their turn on top of a land or sea unit stacks. Only planes can be escorted by planes.
- “Freezing” unita to gain longer ranges are prohibited.
- Building airbases to use them as rail ways are prohibited. Although Railways are removed from this scen.
- No creating of ZOC with the help of airplanes.
- Soviets may trade techs with the US and the UK alone.
- Japan and the Axis may trade techs among themselves.
- The US and the UK may not trade techs.
- Leaving airplanes over industrial terrain to starve cities may be considered Strategic Bombing.
======= DOWNLOAD =======