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Help with Civilopedia.

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  • Help with Civilopedia.

    Hi people,

    i dont know if this is the correct place to put this question, but since the lost data of poly i put anywhere.

    here we go: changing the values of road multiplier < or > than 3 cause problems with the civilopedia movement label. is there any chance to fix this problem???

    thank you,

    Last edited by Bostero; July 16, 2005, 01:26.

  • #2
    Have you tried altering the text manually in the pedia.txt file? Without going into the game itself, that's the first thing I'd try.
    "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


    • #3

      i mean, when i change the road multiplier value to any other number different than 3 - the standard- then in the civilopedia info the number of the movements appers wrong. of course this doesnt affect to the units when playing, but the civilipodia info of movs is cursed.


      • #4
        What version of civ are you using?
        Indifference is Bliss


        • #5
          im using civ2 MP gold edition. v 5.4 you can do the test and check by yourself.


          • #6
            Where exactly in the civilopedia?

            Under Concepts -> Roads, I get this (and another paregraph before it)
            Roads can be built by Settlers and Engineers by pressing the "R" key, or by selecting the "Build Road" command from the Orders menu. Roads can be built in any terrain except Oceans; however, they cannot be built in a River square until the discovery of Bridge Building. Units moving along roads expend only one third of a movement point per square, regardless of terrain type. Roads also increase the amount of Trade produced by Deserts, Plains, and Grasslands.
            If that's your problem, then you change it by including Describe.txt in your scenario folder and editing the relevant part.
            Indifference is Bliss


            • #7
              If my fried mind is understanding this correctly, Bostero's asking about a known Civilopedia bug.

              Here's a Civilopedia entry for a unit. In this example,
              • the road bonus is 9
              • Aziz's mf = 4
              • the initial pedia entry shows 12
              • "Check mf via [F2]" was generated by editing Labels.txt
              • the inset shows the "Defense Advisor" [F2] for Aziz.
              • you can enter more accurate text in the unit's section in Describe.txt that will show up when you click the Description button in this dialog.

              I wish I knew of a better solution.
              Attached Files
              Last edited by Boco; July 16, 2005, 08:30.
              El Aurens v2 Beta!


              • #8

                yes Boco, you understood what error i was trying to point. it's a good idea what are you trying to give with the Description.txt, however i would like to know if anyone already has discovered the way to fix and show the correct value info in the movement factor label.
                may be Mercator can give a .

                Thanks guys for your help.


                • #9
                  Ah, the unit's movement factor. Yeah, I don't know :-/. I thought you were saying that the road movement factor was displayed wrong.

                  I guess that to fix that, the game should be hacked to display 'moves / road factor' rather than 'moves / 3' (because the movement factor of units is actually stored in increments of the road multiplier), and when they added the part of the program that automatically updates the pedia for different scenarios, they botched that part.
                  Indifference is Bliss


                  • #10
                    So, in EA it should be "Moves x 3" (EA road bonus / normal road bonus). That makes sense for a Aziz, where 4 x 3 = 12.

                    In River War the bonus is 4. So,
                    • Br. Scouts (mf=4) is listed with a Movement Rate of 5, or 4 x 4 / 3 = 5.33 -> 5.
                    • For mf=2, the pedia lists 2 (i.e. 2 x 4 / 3 = 2.67 -> 2);
                    • Mf = 1 gets a listing of 1 (i.e. 1 x 4 / 3 = 1.33 -> 1)

                    Is this consistent with the road bonuses that you see Bostero?

                    Thanks for the clarification N35t0r. I'll put a change in my Labels.txt.
                    El Aurens v2 Beta!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Boco

                      Is this consistent with the road bonuses that you see Bostero?
                      EXACTLY, Boco you are experiencing the same bug than me, and thanks to N35t0r formula we confirmed that CIV2 engine doesnt update the "road multiplier" changed in the rules.txt file. it always use the /3 as the standard for all the scens. the most weird of all this, according to your screenshot Boco, in ToT version this bug wasnt fixed and never taked into account by the developers.
                      Anyways this formula is exclusively calculated inside the EXE file, so its not in our chances to fix. thanks again N35t0r.

                      PS: N35t0r do you have MSN?


                      • #12
                        yup, I thought it was in my profile...

                        in any case: (spam shmpam)

                        let's hope we get the source code, as I think this will be quite easy to fix.
                        Indifference is Bliss

