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!!Question about negotiations in scenarios

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  • !!Question about negotiations in scenarios

    I have installed vanilla Civ2 plus both expansion packs (conflicts and fantastic worlds). There has been a major problem in that where it states in certain scenarios that negotiations aren't allowed between specific civs, it is still letting me talk to and bring them up through the foreign advisor. For instance, in the Apocalypse scenario, special notes : "Negotiations between the non-human tribes are not permitted." Yet, every time I choose any race it still allows me negotiations with the non humans. The same goes for every other scenario that I have tried. I am wondering now if there are other strange things going on I'm not aware of, anyone else encountered this? Is something wrong with the civ2 installed files? THANKS in advance

  • #2
    ecc - If nobody here can answer this better than me, you should post your question in the scenario forum, where the real experts work like elves at xmas time to bring us all a lot of scenario joy.

    Anyway, each scenario has an events file that (supposedly) controls whether you can talk or not. If it doesn't work correctly, it might be the designer's fault. But if it never works, maybe you did something wrong.

    Each scenario should have its own folder on your computer that contains the scenario file itself, and probably events.txt, readme.txt, rules.txt etc etc (this varies a bit - sometimes you'll have 10 or 20 files in there, including graphics, a sound folder etc). Check this first.

    You might also check whether your scenarios were written for FW or MGPE or even something else. Sometimes a scenario review on the internet, or the readme.txt will tell you this.


    • #3
      Welcome ecc !
      I am not sure I really understand your question, but I hope this may help:
      - If the Readme file asks you not to have contact, it would be cheating to have contact (just like when we decide that caravan rehoming is forbidden: we just don't do it, even if it technically possible to do it).
      - There are 2 main groups of scenarios for civ2: those "that go with the game" (such as Rome or ww2 with the "vanilla" game) and those designed by members of the community (among whom again 2 groups: those posting mainly to Apolyton and those posting mainly to Civfanatics). If you have problems with a scenario designed by a member of the community you have a fair chance to get a reply from the author himself. In all cases, all "technical" questions about scenarios should be asked on the scenario forum (but if you need advice about how to win, then you can ask me because I have played MANY ).
      Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


      • #4
        BTW (in case you don't know this), there is a major bug in Fantastic Worlds. The effect is to limit diplomatic interaction. I don't know under what circumstances the bug takes effect - for example, maybe it doesn't apply to scenarios. However, my advice is not to use FW for standard play.

        RJM at Sleeper's
        Fill me with the old familiar juice


        • #5
          Thanks, after you told me about the bug I looked it up and found it :

          If there is a list somewhere of known bugs in "fantastic worlds" as well as perhaps a separate list of known bugs for MGE and vanilla, can someone please tell me where to find that information? Thanks again

          ALSO: CAN A MODERATOR PLEASE MOVE THIS THREAD TO THE SCENARIO SECTION, if not I'll just repost but I thought it would save some trouble


          • #6
            AFAIK, there is no list of known bugs. The only bug I'm aware of that makes the game difficult to play is the negotiation bug in FW. There is a bug that affects supply and demand for dye and copper. I think this affects all versions, although the effect is different in MGE - more details of this in the strategy thread.

            I'm not sure that there is even agreement on whether a particular "feature" is a bug. These are sometimes considered "exploits" and it is a matter of choice whether you use them. They include:
            "black clicking" - using the right mouse button to tell whether an unexplored tile is land or ocean;
            rehoming caravans (and freight);
            airbases (I can't remember the details).

            If you look for "Rah's rules", you will get a pretty good list of these exploits and their status.

            There are also various things that are usually regarded as AI cheats rather than bugs - for example unsinkable triremes. Some people get upset about them, but perhaps they make up for the lack of I in AI

            RJM at Sleeper's
            Fill me with the old familiar juice

