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"Mafia - La Cosa Nostra" - RELEASED

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Smiley
    I'd make it hard but not impossible to take over a precinct, after all, there were some corrupt police also.
    Actually, now that I think about it taking over a police station isn't a bad idea after all. I pretend represents the loss of funds in the police department thus forcing them to shut down a station.

    My only gripe is the AI is stupid enough to attack cops. All but my own family have declared war on the police and it looks like they are all slowly losing. It's easy to take advantage of other families in their weakened state after the police help you out. Perhaps if you prevented the families from declaring war on the police it might help.


    • #17
      I’ve play tested the scenario some more and noticed some severe AI stupidity.

      After playing two games the AI for the 5 families tend to lose their main neighborhoods because they leave only cars or other weak units as guards and send out all of their good units in attack runs. A solution to this would be to give more bodyguards and other defensive units for the 5 families, thus allowing them to retain their neighborhoods.

      Around turn two and three almost all families declare war on the police leading to bloody confrontations between the five families and various cops. As fun as this may be, the penalties associated with killing an officer and the fact they outnumber everybody really weakens the 5 families by the 40’s. Every turn there treasury is at $0 and they are unable to build units fast enough to counter the police. If the human player avoids war the police he/she can easily take advantage of most families with little trouble. A solution to this would be to make several scenarios. Depending on who the player wants the play each scenario will be tinkered so that the AI families are unable to declare war on the police.

      The police have some very odd habits concerning the FBI units. I spied one of their precincts and noticed 80 FBI agents stacked up and fortified. Same with the headquarters in Manhattan, a whole lot of armored FBI cars stacked up.


      • #18
        Bollocks! I friggin hate the mother ****ing stupid civ2 AI!

        Sorry, got a little carried away there
        Find my civ2 scenarios here

        Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


        • #19
          I know how you feel.

          I spent many hours on my Homeworld scenario even going so far as to replace background window images for pop ups and advisor screens. As much as I've worked with the scenario I can't get the AI fight competently and follow the story line.


          • #20
            Sorry to keep bugging you Eivind but I just love this scenario and keep finding ways in which it might (or might not) be improved.

            As you know, after several turns the police tend to war with the 5 families and take control of a lot if neighborhoods which makes it no fun since attacking the police is a big no, no.

            But I have a radical solution for this.

            What if you made the police into air units? One police unit could be a ground unit with high defense and 0 movement in order to protect the police stations while the rest of the police could be air units and the police cars could be aircraft carriers. This way you ensure that the police cannot take any neighborhoods and destroy the 5 families (since air units cannot occupy cities), but they are still given the ability to fight criminal units. That way you keep the police from expanding but they keep their role at the status quo.

            Just a thought.


            • #21
              That is a brilliant idea, Riesstiu IV! I'll give it a try and come back.
              Find my civ2 scenarios here

              Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


              • #22
                sweet. Elvind IV, I also like this scenario very much, and am following it's continued development! Good luck.
                Ants. An MGE scenario


                • #23
                  If you go with this idea for the cops, of course your will need to do something with 'SAM missle defense' analogous to 'civilians'. Maybe cops face a 'Warrant Request'.

                  A small recomendation since you're tweaking still; moltov cocktails shouldn't avoid killing citizens (it could still take out cars with a lower attack value and would be effective against city's with a lower attack value plus the ign walls flag). :thumbsup:
                  Ants. An MGE scenario


                  • #24
                    Sorry for taking so long, been really busy with summer vacation and everything.

                    Anyway, here's a little text patch to test the new police air unit try. Report back how it goes.

                    Last edited by Eivind IV; July 11, 2005, 06:55.
                    Find my civ2 scenarios here

                    Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


                    • #25
                      Hey nice to see you didn't give up. Sorry I haven't checked it out but earlier but I've been busy with work. I gotta help pay for university living expenses you know and sometimes that means overtime. Anyways now that it's the weekend I have a chance to look over your changes. I'm going to play 2 games before I get back to you sometime tomorrow.

                      I noticed there haven't been any downloads for modification yet. Come on guys give it a try! Eivind IV worked hard on this scenario.


                      • #26
                        Elvind, Cops load all units into cars and leave cities abandoned in the 2nd turn. Strategically poor move on their part to say the least. All cop stations should have at least one, strong defense/ move zero unit as a permanent defender i think.

                        Also, since the cops didn't last long enough for me to see their units in action, I'm not sure that their setting to 'air superiority' is going to do the trick; will setting them to 'attack', 'domain air' get them attacking ground units? like i said though, didn't get to see them in action, or at war.

                        Other mods are great! I like 'unrefusable offer' as a trade commodity. I think the air solution is going to work well, it's almost there!

                        Good Luck, looking fwd to future!
                        Ants. An MGE scenario


                        • #27
                          Allright gentlemen! Thanks for the feedback! Here's a little patch that upgrades the scenario to version 1.3.

                          * All cops now homed to NONE, effectively making them survice a police station take over.
                          * All cop "land" units are now air units with attack role.
                          * Some text changes here and there

                          Attached Files
                          Find my civ2 scenarios here

                          Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


                          • #28
                            Question, by "Central Station" did you mean Pennsylvania Station?
                            If you don't like reality, change it! me
                            "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
                            "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
                            "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw

