Wow, Christmas has come early! Nice one Allard 
Boco is right: apologees to everyone I owe units to, but I need to make a few new ones for this... The Vickers is out of place, and I have some newer British colonials troops in ToT format, if Allard is interested.
Allard, I love this scenario in all it's formats, but one thing has always niggled my pedantic mind - everything I have read about the Anglo-Egyptian Army says that the Sudanese battalians were more disciplined and soldierly than their Egyptian counterparts. Will you consider swapping their stats in the scenario?

Boco is right: apologees to everyone I owe units to, but I need to make a few new ones for this... The Vickers is out of place, and I have some newer British colonials troops in ToT format, if Allard is interested.
Allard, I love this scenario in all it's formats, but one thing has always niggled my pedantic mind - everything I have read about the Anglo-Egyptian Army says that the Sudanese battalians were more disciplined and soldierly than their Egyptian counterparts. Will you consider swapping their stats in the scenario?