After a little thought, I will now postulate this idea;
Every AI has a "hidden" Leonardo's Workshop. You will never find it, though. It is lost in the ozone. But it works.
This is the only way to explain the oft-mentioned phenomena of an AI receiving/stealing a tech and then fielding/using a unit that required the received/stolen technology ON THE SAME TURN.
If this IS an internal AI "cheat," it'd be nice to know.
Can anyone recall playing a game or scenario in which something occurred that would definitely invalidate this postulation?
If this is true, it makes it doubly insulting when an AI builds Leo's, doesn't it?
Every AI has a "hidden" Leonardo's Workshop. You will never find it, though. It is lost in the ozone. But it works.
This is the only way to explain the oft-mentioned phenomena of an AI receiving/stealing a tech and then fielding/using a unit that required the received/stolen technology ON THE SAME TURN.
If this IS an internal AI "cheat," it'd be nice to know.
Can anyone recall playing a game or scenario in which something occurred that would definitely invalidate this postulation?
If this is true, it makes it doubly insulting when an AI builds Leo's, doesn't it?