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"You'll find our answer at the end of an axe!" - Hammer v2.9 is out!

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  • "You'll find our answer at the end of an axe!" - Hammer v2.9 is out!

    New update (v2.9) of my viking epic "Hammer of the North" is out

    Changes include a new take on the coronation concept, unique kings, vastly greater barbarian pressure, and enhanced events and rules to make viking campaigns in England and Normandy more interesting.

    Check out the scenario's thread at civfan for more details and downloads :

    As you can see from the date of the first post of this thread, this scenario has been a long way underway. Weeks, months and years have gone by... lots of work went into this baby - the complete revision of my first viking scenario. As with the first version, the primary focus of "Hammer...

    Have fun
    Last edited by hardjoy; June 10, 2005, 11:12.
    The Slim End Of The Long Tail -
    Kaplak Stream

  • #2
    Great! I really enjoyed the previous version! Downloading now...
    STDs are like pokemon... you gotta catch them ALL!!!


    • #3
      Excellent! I really enjoyed your scenario

      Will give that one a try when I come back home


      • #4
        Time to get some 'Stormwarrior' on the CD player and give this one a play, methinks!

        A real improvement on a classic!


        • #5
          Cool, pillaging is always fun.


          • #6
            Those monks had better watch out!



            • #7
              Would love to catch a play report or two
              The Slim End Of The Long Tail -
              Kaplak Stream


              • #8
                Morten: as you know I've tested this version, and I think it's better than the last one. This scenario just gets better and better. The feeling of fantasy (giants, heroes etc.) just makes it even more enjoyable, and as I've said before, I love the map.
                "Peace cannot be kept by force.
                It can only be achieved by understanding"


                • #9
                  Thanks man, for those kind words
                  The Slim End Of The Long Tail -
                  Kaplak Stream


                  • #10
                    A few appetizers...

                    Bad omens over Northumbria...
                    Attached Files
                    The Slim End Of The Long Tail -
                    Kaplak Stream


                    • #11
                      A Scottish Heir approaching the Sword of Coronation...
                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by hardjoy; May 23, 2005, 10:52.
                      The Slim End Of The Long Tail -
                      Kaplak Stream


                      • #12
                        Showcase of a few new unit types
                        Attached Files
                        The Slim End Of The Long Tail -
                        Kaplak Stream


                        • #13
                          I am trying to find an additional player for our official Hammer v2.9 pbem at civfan. Anyone who might be interested in playing, please give me a call at this thread :

                          I'll take the Scots, if they are the only open civ....I have downloaded ver 2.9, and will familarise myself with it, but feel free to start now. Who goes first?
                          The Slim End Of The Long Tail -
                          Kaplak Stream


                          • #14
                            The might of Sven!

                            940AD. For the past 150 years the viking raids have continued, unabated, on the lands of Christ. Originating from Denmark, the Danes quickly captured key cities on the English and Norman coasts, before moving inland in search of more plunder. At sea, the Danes rule supreme, while on the land powerful heroes, backed up by chieftans and legions of viking raiders seem unstoppable.

                            Substantial Danish fiefdoms are now established in Britain, France and the Frisian Lands. In a humiliating blow, the Franks capital of Paris lies firmly under the Dane's hammer. Even their fellow pagans are not safe; the Norsemen found themselves on the receiving end of the Danes fury, who routed their forces under the command of the great giant, Ulric.

                            The subjugation of the Frisians was particularly brutal, with only the city of Ghent remaining under their control. The Danish King allows this measure of independence in order that he might continue to demand ransom for the Frisian monks that still appear within the borders of the Danish Kingdom. He also wants to prevent his men from being tainted by the foulness of Christianity, whose insidious influence is more of a threat to the Danish warriors than cold iron.

                            However, the growing discontent of the populace is causing the King to reconsider his options. Ruthless enforcement of pagan beliefs by viking garrisons, as well as a vast network of brothels to entertain the populace, have failed to bring peace to the conquered lands. Even the relocation of the court to Jorvik ahs failed to stem the discontent! Perhaps it would be politically expedient to accomodate the Christians, at least on the surface...

                            In short, 27 objectives secured already! A map of the known Danish world:
                            Attached Files
                            STDs are like pokemon... you gotta catch them ALL!!!


                            • #15
                              Dang ... I was playing them Danes for a while now - and you beat me to it. I shall play on as some other civ - maybe the Germans or the Franks, for a change

                              Congrats to you, Morten, to this brilliant update

