paired this list down some, beta scenarios really don't need to be put in the wiki, only completed ones, scenario design topics like how to give credit to artists could go into resources.
Originally posted by Harry Tuttle
Ok, to add something to this I have compiled a list of threads that were notable. Notable in that they discussed a certain topic and something came of them. They are organized as so:
Forum Administrative Threads:
Proper Credit For Graphics
An Artists Right to Post His or Her Creation
Scenario Design Contest #5
Scenario Design Contest number 5
A little message about CIV2 versions!
Civ2Dip3.0 by Yaroslav
UnTopped Graphic Threads:
Flag Request Thread
Graphics for Freeciv
Game Mechanic Threads:
Strategic Food Routes: A "How To"
New and Innovative Scenario Concepts
I knew the AI took liberties, but ...
Freeciv Specific:
Events For Freeciv 2.0
Fun Threads:
favorite scenarios? ever
Scenario Release Threads:
Blood & Steel Redux HTower
New ICON file for Imp1870
Bitterfrost for MGE by Curt Sibling
"La Belle Epoque" version upgrade (+ unofficial "Blitzkrieg 1936" v3.1 patch)
"You'll find our answer at the end of an axe!" - Hammer v2.9 is out! HTower
Dainichi Sekai Taisen - Available NOW HTower
"Mafia - La Cosa Nostra" - RELEASED Eivind IV
History of Asia Part B by Patine
History of Asia Part A by Patine
Looking for Scenario Release Threads:
Soviet Steel-II by curtsibling
Art of War by Exile
If you think any thread should be added to this list please post it.
Ok, to add something to this I have compiled a list of threads that were notable. Notable in that they discussed a certain topic and something came of them. They are organized as so:
Forum Administrative Threads:
Proper Credit For Graphics
An Artists Right to Post His or Her Creation
Scenario Design Contest #5
Scenario Design Contest number 5
A little message about CIV2 versions!
Civ2Dip3.0 by Yaroslav
UnTopped Graphic Threads:
Flag Request Thread
Graphics for Freeciv
Game Mechanic Threads:
Strategic Food Routes: A "How To"
New and Innovative Scenario Concepts
I knew the AI took liberties, but ...
Freeciv Specific:
Events For Freeciv 2.0
Fun Threads:
favorite scenarios? ever
Scenario Release Threads:
New ICON file for Imp1870
Bitterfrost for MGE by Curt Sibling
"La Belle Epoque" version upgrade (+ unofficial "Blitzkrieg 1936" v3.1 patch)
History of Asia Part B by Patine
History of Asia Part A by Patine
Looking for Scenario Release Threads:
Soviet Steel-II by curtsibling
Art of War by Exile
If you think any thread should be added to this list please post it.
