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  • #46
    Thank you, fellows!

    After playing the scenario through to the very bitter end last night,
    I can say that the action never let's up and the AI does seem quite evil.

    The war is very bloody and the casualty count is enormous!
    I suppose that is what happens when V2 missiles and B-17s are doing the rounds!

    I am going to speed the tech progression up and streamline the events some more...

    And then it is time for the public playtesting...!

    This time, I would like for each playtester to pick a civ-faction,
    and play with that civ choice till the end, reporting any issue/bugs...

    So guys, please report in with what civ you wish to play and
    an email to send the DL to link, when the time comes...

    I reckon I will be ready to send out the link in a few hours.


    • #47
      Well, I´d like to command the Soviet Juggernaut then - and let the Beautiful Red Banner wave over the Reichstag and the Tenno´s Palace


      • #48
        So be it!
        Get your itchy soviet uniform and bushy mustache on!

        I will create a file to keep track of all the playtesters...


        • #49
          Since I will be posting the playtest zips quite soon, I thought
          it might be useful to give you all a brief run-down of the civs.

          Here is what to expect from each faction:

          The USA:
          Being huge and rich is fun, but the Yanks will be under attack soon,
          and will have to plough tons of research into new weapons. America's
          mainland is practically invincible, giving them some breathing room.
          Also, the discovery of certain advances will lead to this civ
          launching some spectacular invasions and attacks...Axis, watch out!

          It may alarm some to know that the USA is the only civ that can create the A-Bomb...

          The 3rd Reich:
          Europe's Germanic conquerors have decided to demolish Britain's old empire,
          one bombing raid at a time. This latest victory might not be so easy, however.
          That said, the Nazis have used typical Teutonic genius to give themselves the
          very best weapons and are honoured to be the scenario's main protagonists.
          Hitler absolutely will not stop until the world cowers under a jackboot of iron.

          Those who wish to defeat the Reich had best prepare for a long and painful battle.

          The British Empire:
          The land of Hope and Glory is running low on both those commodities. Beset by
          angry Germans, low on allies and with time running out, the plucky Brits had
          best rely on their superior Spitfire and Royal Navy to keep Hitler at arms reach.
          The best strategy for the UK is to hold out and wait for the Germans to do something
          silly, like picking a fight with Stalin...Then break out the Typhoons and kick booty!

          Even after huge defeats, the UK never gives up and will fight to the last teabag.

          The Japanese Empire:
          After years of mistreatement by the Western powers, the Japanese have decided to
          side with the only civ their current leaders can level with - The 3rd Reich. Even
          though these two juggernaughts of evil are far apart, the fate of the world hangs
          in them not joining their efforts. This deadly double act makes up the Axis, along
          with Italy. Japan's goal is to wipe the Pacific clean of all foreign foes...

          Japan will soon let the West meet their world-class navy and endless fanatic troops.

          The USSR:
          Good old Uncle Joe Stalin has been a busy despot in the scenario. Even before 1940,
          this nightmare figure of tyranny has been exterminating his own people, declaring
          wars and purging the Soviet regime of anyone who blinks the wrong way. Life in this
          wonderous dictatorship leads the average Soviet trooper to seek an end to his misery.
          As it happens, the new Nazi neighbours may soon be able to help in that regard...

          The USSR has the advantage of endless manpower and land to sacrifice in any war.

          The Commonwealth:
          Britain's fearless allies are poised and ready to hurl many units and support over the
          oceans, to help save the Commonwealth's monarchist masters from complete Axis oblivion.
          Not being face-to-face with the Nazis is an advantage, and leads to and interesting game.
          The Commonwealth player can send tons of arms to the UK, via South Africa, Canada and
          from Australia. But beware of Japan, who definitely has plans for the land of Koalas.

          The Commonwealth can provide invaluable help to the big civs if allowed to develop.

          The Neutrals:
          No units, but tons of money...How much fun does that sound? Probably not a lot.
          But playing as the observer can be relaxing, while seeing how much cash can be hoarded.
          And to any hostile civs who scoff at neutrality, they will be fined for any tomfoolery...
          The best thing to do as the Neutrals is to gather cash and build terrain improvements.
          You can also move your limited units around the world, mostly for sightseeing.

          The Neutrals are an island of civilised types, in a sea of boorish bullies.

          Feel free to choose one and post your choice of civ to be playtested here...!

          Last edited by curtsibling; May 18, 2005, 09:32.


          • #50
            Well, I want to have a go with the Commonwealth. I just hope I can spare some time for it, but that shouldn't be too troublesome, being an civ2-addict and all..
            "Peace cannot be kept by force.
            It can only be achieved by understanding"


            • #51
              I'd try the axis.
              Find my civ2 scenarios here

              Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


              • #52
                Jim P: Soviets
                Arthedain: Commonwealth

                @Eivind IV:
                Do you mean the German or Japanese?



                • #53


                  • #54
                    European axis.
                    Find my civ2 scenarios here

                    Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


                    • #55
                      I admit my worst ever performance in CIV2 tonight!

                      Playing as the Commonwealth and thinking the Germans
                      were unlikely to get near me, I moved a battle fleet of four
                      fully-loaded transports with destroyer and battleship escort
                      from Canada to assist my British chums in Tobruk.

                      But! As I passed Gibraltar, a German submarine wolfpack struck and sunk my grand fleet!

                      17 units destroyed in one blast, my most terrrible loss in
                      more than a decade of play...Handed to me by the evil AI!

                      Never again will I cry at the ending of Das Boot!



                      • #56
                        Admiral of the Seven Seas Curtsibling

                        A great sailor who went down with his ship.

                        I would like to give the USA a try.

                        May I request a bit of inside info. Will the scen allow me to fulfil the Amerian Manifest Destiny . . . . . . from the Gulf of Mexico to Hudson Bay? Seems that I'm a bit of a historical revanchist in my thinking. None of this sharing a continent which is obviously meant to be American!

                        Last edited by AGRICOLA; May 18, 2005, 22:15.
                        Excerpts from the Manual of the Civilization Fanatic :

                        Money can buy happiness, just raise the luxury rate to 50%.
                        Money is not the root of all evil, it is the root of great empires.


                        • #57
                          I will take revenge on the AI for that humiliation!

                          Without giving too much away, as the US there is a situation in the
                          scenario that allows you can stamp out fascism and communism!

                          Imagine 'from Washington to Vladisvostok!'



                          • #58
                            as the US there is a situation in the
                            A Patton event?
                            You have made peace with the evil Wheredehekowi tribe-we demand you tell us if they are a tribe that is playing this scenario.
                            We also agree not to crush you, if you teach us the tech of warp drive and mental telepathy and give 10 trinkets


                            • #59
                              A Zhukov event!


                              • #60
                                Are you suggesting there is somehow a way to defeat both Hitler and Stalin at the same time Curt? That would be interesting indeed.

                                By the looks of things there is no need to humbly push for more screenshots as it looks like the final product is nearly complete. I am curious just what the end date for this scenario is? Fall of 1946 perhaps?

