Originally posted by Boco
Short of placing an assymmetric symbol in the unit key, I don't know of a way to avoid backwards ones getting displayed.
Btw, isn't that twin engined bomber (JU-88?) a bit much for Bambi in the woods? Her odds are already pretty poor already with that German rifleman shooting pointblank.
Short of placing an assymmetric symbol in the unit key, I don't know of a way to avoid backwards ones getting displayed.
Btw, isn't that twin engined bomber (JU-88?) a bit much for Bambi in the woods? Her odds are already pretty poor already with that German rifleman shooting pointblank.

after some play, as you are endlessly shuttling them left and right in ToT.
The twin engined beasts are the He-111 and Ar-234, the first jet bomber in the world.
Bambi did put up a famously brave defence of the enchanted forest, but sadly
he was no match for the armoured might of the Leibstandarte Panzer Division...
