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P vs. ST Fast PBEM duel (NOT for PEASTER)

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  • #61
    You can see I landed at Mpondo (Phal+Catap).
    South of Mpondo you can see a head of the Zulu warrior that revealed my trireme.
    The arrow shows the correct landing square for my Phal+dip stack. On the trireme north of the stack there is a settler + vet chariot.
    (details in the log)
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    • #62
      61 AD the Zimbabwe area
      Read the log for details.
      Mpondo doesn't exist anymore, but Naples was built on hills N from the stacked Zulu warrior very likely.
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      • #63
        61 AD exploration of the Ulundi area
        I know an approximate position of some cities.
        Near Slany a non-vet (Lonsim is on a non-river Grassland) Catapult is looking forward to visit Lonsim. But it must wait for a vet Phalanx.
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        • #64
          This is the third (and last) part of the log. 1st part is on page 1, 2nd part on page 2.

          new Zulu cities (18 cities in total- ideal with HG, but how long will Hlobane hold? )
          Zulus finished Literacy and are reseaching Philosophy. Philosophy will yield also Polytheism. It would be nice to be faster with Philosophy, but I would have to get 3 Zulu techs (Lit, Mys, Hor). It is hard to steal them (there are 7 Zulu techs that I don't have), so I would have to conquer (not to destroy) 3 Zulu cities... hard to achieve
          But I think I have a chance to get one tech from conquest (horses). Since my science bar is full, I would get elephants soon. So I will set science to 0 now and wait.
          I wanted to send a trireme with a warrior to the South polar cap south from Nymburk for a hut, but I am disturbed by Zulu units and I must postpone the voyage.
          Another Zulu units near Slany, I should disembark at Lonsim in 5 turns (Phalanx+Catapult).
          Benesov, Kladno, Slany will be unhappy, it is sligtly more effecienty than one Elvis

          Chariot 9,21 attacks warrior 10,22 and kills it
          catapult 13,25 attacks Hlobane and kills a phalanx
          trireme 9,17 attacks trireme 9,15 and dies
          my warr near Ippus
          science 0, luxuries 30%, I hope to get

          P. reports:
          The visible archer attacked your stack at 13,25 and lost to a phalanx
          A horseman in Hlobane attacked your stack at 13,25 and lost to the phalanx
          A horseman in Hlobane attacked your stack at 13,25 and won to a cat (3 units lost).

          I am really a MP beginer. I forgot a possibility the AI may decide the catapult will defend although it has lower chances.

          P. reports:
          Dip steals masonry from K.Hora (from the stack to the west)
          Dip steals math from Slany (from 46,38)
          Horse (45,11) defeats warrior (45,13)

          I have low chances after P. having Math. The game is over probably. P. is ahead in economics and an my only chance to win was to destroy most of the Zimbabwe area.
          It is fun - several turns ago I thought it is P. who has low chances...

          Again I was stupid. I didn't count with the possibility Zulus could steal some techs (I should, especially after P. established an embassy). And I knew it it was likely there was a at least one dip in the stack near Kutna Hora (it bribed my warrior in past). The catapult that I sent to destroy Lonsim could wait and kill the stack.
          But I made more serious mistakes during last turns:

          60: maybe a mistake: I shouldn't return with my boat to defend Stribro. I should risk probably. But I thought I would win without risking. I thought I will destroy the Zimbabwe area and P. won't be able to defend (I forgot the possibility P. will steal Mathematics. But I should assume P. will try it after establishing embassy)
          60: maybe a mistake: I should postpone my attack by 1 turn(?). Then my 2nd vawe of attackers would come sooner after the 1st vawe. Also P. would bribe warrior at 37,21 and lose some gold. But I panicked after my boat going to destroy Mpondo was revealed and because I knew P. would establish embassy next turn and see I have Catapults.
          61: a big mistake: The Phal+dip stack doesn't mount the hills NW from Hlobane and waits so that Settler+Chariot can join them. I forgot there must be Bapedi between Zimbabwe and Hlobane and the stack may be visible. And regardless the presence of Bapedi there was no good reason not to mount on the hills.


          I didn't put a defender inside Slany so that P. doesn't find out its position with a testing of ZOCs, but clearly P. had located Slany before (dip steals math from there). So I can be happy he didn't have a horse too.

          Klatovy built (near Hlobane)
          catap 14,26 attacks warrior 15,25 and kills it
          warrior disbanded in Uvaly. This way next consigment to Hlobane will be faster by one turn (67 on Mountains over Hlobane)

          Zulu treasury raised by 47 gold! A hut or is there such a big output from Zulu cities? Or Barracks were sold?
          I hesitate if my stack Catap+Phalanx should move to the valley in Hlobane or to attack Intombe. I decide to go down to support the second stack at Hlobane
          My trir+Phal+non-vet Catapult goes to raid Lonsim. The trireme must go 2 steps only - the Zulu warrior could spot it otherwise.

          P. reports:
          My catapult at 11,23 defeated your phalanx at 12,22.

          catap 13,25 attacks a warrior in Hlobane and wins
          Archer 14,18 attacks a warrior in Intombe and wins
          Chariot in Kralupy attacks a warrior at 10,24 and wins (2 unis destroyed)
          Chariot in Kralupy attacks a phalanx at 12,22 and wins (3 unis destroyed)
          dip steals Curency from Intombe

          I was lucky with that Chariot against a Phalanx! But my catapult near Hlobane is very wounded - I was very unlucky here.
          Currency is bad, my tech cost raised, but now I have to risk, otherwise I have no chance. Tech cost is 110 now, I am raising science from 0 ti 30%

          I am selling Barracks in Benesov and buying in Klatovy.
          Kralupy riots - an error. Riots in Kutna Hora and Kladno were planned. Kladno homes many units and so its shields are not lost.
          My trir+Phal+non-vet Catapult departs from Slany to raid Lonsim.
          My shipchain moves from Benesov -shall I disembark in the rivered forest near Umtata this turn or at Mountains of Hlobane next turn? If I take Umtata by a surprise I could get Horseriding there ... The question is if Hlobane has Barracks: probably not, Bapedi and Umtata seem to have more forests around ... I must risk and try to catch Umtata ... Zungu found!

          P. reports
          Catapult attacks from Hlobane against the phalanx and wins (2 units).

          This is bad. It looks there are Barracks in Hlobane
          Cannae - a new Zulu city.
          My Catapult 16,30 destroys Zungu
          I have a chance to attack Hlobane from Klatovy next turn - my chariot will be healed, but only if Klatovy resists.

          P. reports:
          Catapult 11,23 razes the city at 10,22 near Hlobane. Phalanx defended.
          Catapult 10,24 defeats chariot at same square. 2 units lost.
          Dip at 38,20 bribes warrior at 37,21.

          So Klatovy didn't resist...
          The game is over. My attacks ends, Zulus have 19 cities + Gardens, they ahead in techs, and they have a space where they can expand safely. I will play a couple more turns so that P. can relish his nice position and then I will resign.

          My non-vet Catapult attacks phalanx in Lonsim (non-river Grs) and loses! Stupid game, that Civ2! I want to see it never again!
          I will play ticktacktoe.
          Edit: Later P. posted that the

          Next turn I will try to disembark Catap+Phal on the Mountains over Intombe.
          Beakerbox almost full, therefore science 0% (I hope to capture Intombe or Umtata, but low chance)

          Catap 13,29 attacks Phalanx in Umtata and wins

          P. reports: Cat in Umtata defeats the phalanx + other unit at the gates.

          sci 30%
          hut: nomad

          P. reports:
          A catapult in Intombe defeats the Archer stack at 14,18.
          (I forgot to drag it back on the Mountains...)
          Neopondo ... a new Zulu city

          P: Zulu trireme near Zimbabwe defeats American trireme and 2 passengers.

          American trireme 5,23 attacks trireme 5,25 and loses

          sci 70

          sci 30

          Brno found, Amati near with a Settler, (I should load the catap+ph on the trireme I knew there was some city nearby...)
          plan: Caravans (hides on both Islands)
          sci 40 (Elephants soon)

          ??year Catap. 30,30 attacks the warrior 29,29; 2 units destroyed

          warrior 48,40 attacks the warrior 48,38 and loses
          then catapult 48,40 kills the warrior (2 units)
          catapult in Stribro kills a warrior on gold

          a settler near a future canal city
          sci 30

          Peaster: Dip at 9,37 bribes boat at 7,37.

          Catapult 8,38 kills a Phalanx in Tugela

          P: Zulu catapult in Tugela defeats phalanx stack on the hill.
          Zulu trireme at 5,27 defeats trireme + one unit at 6,28.
          Tabor found

          P: Catapult (14,14) defeats phalanx stack (14,12). No other actions.

          P: Zulus capture Cheb, which was empty.
          Aargh...I forgot a ship can enter an empty city...
          The stack at Tabor couldnt move towards Tabor because of ZOCs! I forgot that. I prepared a catapult in Tabor but I should let it on a ship...
          Karlovy Vary found. I didn't want that Zulus build a city on this 1-size island that can't be conquered.
          Ceske Budejovice found. A last good spot for city.

          Plzen found. A canal that leads to Isand.

          P: Elephant in Isand defeats phalanx + unit(s) at 50,22.
          Dip at (15,33) bribes warrior at (15,35).

          I could kill the wounded Elephant with my trireme but again I forgot ships can do something with land tiles.

          P: Zulu unit captures Chomutov without a fight

          Chomutov was on a 1-size island and had no defender. A Zulu ship has entered the city. I am completely stupid. 3 turns ago I lost Cheb the same way and it wasn't enough to realize it may happen again.
          Good time to resign. I have 15 cities while P. has 31 and Hanging Gardens.
          My only chance were to set up a good caravan machine, but it wouldn't be easy without an international trade. Chomutov (island) and a new planed city on the island near Slany should supply Hides, but it would be hard to get revenues around 200 (I would need cities of sizes about 8).
          Last edited by SlowThinker; August 22, 2005, 18:30.
          Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment


          • #65
            I just resigned.

            I added the 3rd part of the log (in the previous post) is provisional only. I want to edit especially posts up to 68 AD and to fill up some my ideas I had while playing.
            Pls be patient.
            Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment

