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SciFi/Fantasy Unit Graphics

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  • Originally posted by fairline
    ...and I had this hair-brained idea of making a scenario based on the original film; ToT, multi-map and quest/hero character-based rather than traditional civ empire-building, a la FavFlight's superb Lord of the Rings scenarios.

    I was imagining a map with the interior of Princess Leia's spaceship as the start point. Stormtroopers invade, the player has Carrie and a handful of Rebel troopers to defend against the odds, but the main goal is to get the droids into an escape pod and into the first map transit point. This would lead to a space map with the planets Tatooine and Yavin at different ends together with Death star; Tatooine would be another map portal to the third map, this one being the surface of Tatooine with Mos Eisley, kenobi and Luke's home etc. The player would collect Luke, Obi-Wan, Han, Chewie etc along the way while battling Sand People and bounty hunters, and then leave Tatooine via another map portal back to the space map. The next map portal leads to a Death Star interior map....etc etc.

    Garbled rubbish that I'll never attempt to undertake
    This is far as I got with that scenario. Actually making the scenario was far too much like hard work
    Attached Files


    • Awesome units, Gareth, nonetheless


      • Whoa - Those are top class!

        Especially Han Solo and Princess Leia Orgasma, er...Organa!


        • It seems the xmas presents have came early - Many thanks
          fairline, these have given us all major Sci-fi inspiration!!!


          • Very nice work


            • Well it sounds like you had the plot of the scenario mapped out pretty good there Gareth. I assume after the adventurers are taken to the Death Star map they're mission is to disable the tractor beam and rescue the princess, then get back to the Millennium Falcon which would take them to the next map, which would be a space map where they must outrun a squadron of Tie Fighters (though this section of the story could be left out as Tarkin wanted the Falcon to lead the Empire to the Rebel base), then the final two missions would also be space based maps, the approach to the Death Star and the infamous trench run to the targeted thermal exhaust port.

              It would probably go down as the best scenario of all time, but it would be quite an undertaking. Even with the coordinated efforts of two or three veteran designers and scenario makers such a project would easily take six months to a year to complete. Still, it would be one great project to look forward to.

              Also, amazing character units by the way. Han's looking pretty sharp with his "always shooting first" blaster, and how can anyone not love Leia, even in Civ II ToT unit form. Perhaps that 3PO unit should have friend, maybe a clunky blue astro-droid with an attitude


              • WH40k Tyranids #1

                Top class, excelent!
                What next?
                Need I say more?
                Darth! Darth! Darth!

                Taking a break from 80s Danes, I drew these space monsters.
                They pale next to Gs stuff, though...
                Is anyone interested in Warhammer units, I wonder?
                Attached Files
                "Whoever thinks freely, thinks well"
                -Rigas Velestinlis (Ferraios)
                "...êáé ô' üíïìá ôçò, ôï ãëõêý, ôï ëÝãáíå Áñåôïýóá..."
                "I have a cunning plan..." (Baldric)


                • i'm interested in warhammer units. they're always good for something.


                  • OMG Fairline. I wanna draw units like that.
                    Your Star Wars units are some of the best yet.
                    "Peace cannot be kept by force.
                    It can only be achieved by understanding"


                    • Thanks Arth

                      Nice Tyrranids Tim, and yes, I'm interested in Warhammer units

                      Here's Dark Helmet and the rest with a few tweaks. This is a preview only, the zip below contains the useable blah blah....
                      Attached Files


                      • Useable bmp:
                        Attached Files


                        • "Now you see, Lone Starr, that evil will always triumph, because good is dumb."


                          • "Raspberry. There's only one man who would dare give me the raspberry: Lone Star!"

                            Sorry for this OT rumble. You´re right, Harry

                            Gareth, awesome as always


                            • Oh yes, dark helmet is looking good I feel my throat tightening up as we speak.


                              • Excellent characters...Takes me back to the days when
                                being into Star Wars was something to be proud of!!!

                                I am going to begin setting up my Imperial Governor scen over the hols!


