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Blood & Steel Redux

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  • Blood & Steel Redux

    As we are going to have another PBM of my scenario I decided to update the scenario itself ...

    Enjoy - and report bugs in
    Attached Files

  • #2
    I like it!

    Is this scenario a 1960s version of Blood/Steel!?!


    • #3
      Blood & Steel Redux

      From the intro text:


      1914: Germany won the war against France within 4 weeks carrying out von Schlieffen´s plan.
      1915: In the greatest offensive yet seen on earth German troops surround St. Petersburg and Russia surrenders.
      1916: US President Wilson managed to make Germany and Great Britain sign an armistice. The Great War was over.

      Italy though, feeling cheated by Germany only gets Nice/Nizza and Tunesia turns fascist in 1922 and Mussolini subsequently built up his forces for the Day X, the Resurrection of the Roman Empire.

      This day seems to have come now. It is December 1932 and just 2 weeks ago Italy launched an offensive against Spain and Portugal. There is hardly if any resistance and after 13 days only Lisbon and Madrid are not under Italian control. The major powers were not able to respond quick enough to this conflict and now only Italian vessels patrol
      the seas.
      Get your alternative Second Great War here!
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Downloading ASAP!

        Feedback soon!


        • #5
          And some more screenie ...
          Attached Files


          • #6
            @ Curt: That happens when you try downloading before I set up the post right

            It is working now, enjoy
            Attached Files


            • #7
              Oh, btw, just post here - not be afraid if I am not answering soon, I am leaving for Italy in the morning, I´ll be back on 28 April


              • #8
                Hi jim, I gave this one a quick look over, and here are a few comments.

                It looks great, but it needs to be tidied up a great deal. It's like you did all of the hard work with the rules.txt and didn't have the heart to finish the .scn file. There are cities starting in civil disorder; Konigsberg doesn't even have any soldiers in it!

                Some other comments:

                US Marines - they cost more than US Army, yet are weaker. Their only advantage is amphibious, and for me at least this simply isn't worth their price. I'll stick with US Army.

                Great War Tanks are useless - I can get two decent infantry units for every one of these white elephants. No point in building them.

                The L of "Lorried Infantry" is lower case (nitpicking, I know).

                Naval stats; the units seem very weak.

                And just as a matter of interest, why is the scenario designed to be played at War Minister level? This is far from the only scenario I've played within the past few months that plays at a low difficulty level. I'm a purist I guess - I like my scenarios designed with Deity in mind.
                STDs are like pokemon... you gotta catch them ALL!!!


                • #9
                  Hullow lads & lasses, I am back :-)

                  I see much of movement here and over @ Evo-Games ... well, asked what I should/could improve I did not get too much information save stackable terrain (gfx changes won´t count).


                  I expected a bit more. Then I was asked to add stackable terrain. Well, stackable terrain means a huge defence bonus to all (stackable) squares. So I edited the unit stats too (and btw, Denis, naval bombardments in WW2 were not able to extinguish whole divisions/regiments).

                  Suggestions are highly welcome, I also tell you that (most) changes to the gameplay are reversible.

                  Only shame is that I have a terrible Thursday & Friday ahead - and I won´t have time this weekend. If you give me time until - say Wednesday next week - and specify your requests I shall work it out. I promise to do so.

                  In this sense: Happy posting


                  • #10
                    I looked over the scenario some and did a bit of playing. Three things:

                    First, Royal Marines, US Marines, and Sturmtruppen all go obsolete after "nil." I'm assuming you want to put the appropriate embassy tech on these units, as in my game as the Italians, I was able to build US Marines after trading tech.

                    Second, as a single player game, the game is a free for all and alliances are not respected. I have no problem with this. However, it seems silly to have messages/events like "Germany increases aid to the Ottaman Empire" and "Germany sends troops to get desert experience in Instanbul" when Germany is actually at war with the Ottaman Empire.

                    Third, I agree with our_man. I think Great War Tanks are useless. HOWEVER, I would actually not recommend changing anything about them. Having a bunch of old obsolete tanks around seems very realistic after a world war. I never built these tanks, but why would I have want to? I'm in the process of modernizing the Italian army!

                    Along these lines, I think having Venezia start out being able to build the better modern "Aquila Carro Armato" tanks before the tech is actually reached is a nice touch. This simulates perhaps a breakthrough in technology which only slowly makes its way to other production facilities. I've been sending my Great War Tanks to Venezia and using them as scrap metal, ie disbanding for shields, to build up my new tank divisions.

                    I have not checked the other civs, but allowing one city in each civ to produce modern tanks like Venezia, would be a good way to reprocess those old Great War Tanks into newer modern tanks. I think this might be a useful addition to the scenario.


                    • #11
                      i agree about the tanks and cities.

                      also, i got really mad after a battleship was destroyed bombarding an infantry unit, so i upped all the points and stuff for all units.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Art of War
                        i agree about the tanks and cities.

                        also, i got really mad after a battleship was destroyed bombarding an infantry unit, so i upped all the points and stuff for all units.
                        that's beacause the infantry had it's own artillery,

                        edit: thank you!
                        Last edited by Broken_Erika; May 2, 2005, 15:44.
                        I am not delusional! Now if you'll excuse me, i'm gonna go dance with the purple wombat who's playing show-tunes in my coffee cup!
                        Rules are like Egg's. They're fun when thrown out the window!
                        Difference is irrelevant when dosage is higher than recommended!


                        • #13
                          There´s a link in the third post, above the pic.

                          Though I advise you to wait for a couple of days more when I´ll redo some of the major changes ...

                          Maybe I am tempted to give you all a sneak into the current units file ... tonite?


                          • #14
                            After playing more of both versions, I'd say the redux has major problems in terms of playability. The stackable and new unit stats really mess up the play IMHO. My vote is to just have a graphics overhaul (the redux graphics are beautiful!!!).


                            • #15
                              Uebrigins, was machst du in Wien? Student? Ich war letztes Jahr auf die WU und war auch Fremdsprachenassistent fuer ein Gymnasium im 13. Bezirk. Hat Spass gemacht u. Wien hat mir gefallen... Viel Glueck mit dem Scenario (aber schnell mit dem Update, ich moechte weiterspielen!!)...

