Before I started my 'Vietnam War' scenario (which previously had its own thread and was last posted on the 'Submissions for the SLeague' thread), which was the last one I'd finished before starting 'Empire of the Rising Sun,' I'd come close to finishing this scenario. It's based on the Contemporary (post-Cold War) Middle East, in all its grandeur and torment. I didn't finish it, as I was waiting at the time for certain key news events to occur to finish my events files. I've now finished these events files, and am now posting this scenario for comment and criticism while I wait for my 'EotRS' thread to reappear, as I need some key posts from it to finish that scen (which I hope make it through this).
BTW, when I made this scen, I didn't yet know that the editor erased unit sigs. Please forgive this error (after all, this is only a rough draft). As well, the units were taken from a number of sources, and may not all be current. If anyone wants to provide more up-to-date units (or any other graphics), please feel free.
BTW, when I made this scen, I didn't yet know that the editor erased unit sigs. Please forgive this error (after all, this is only a rough draft). As well, the units were taken from a number of sources, and may not all be current. If anyone wants to provide more up-to-date units (or any other graphics), please feel free.