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  • #16
    Originally posted by Elephant
    I've got a few 2.42 starting saves that have decent OCC possibilities that I have not played yet. I'm also interested in an EL - we could make it a EL/OCC option, or start two parallel threads...
    Go for it Mr Pachyderm - a 2.42 start with possibilities of either EL or OCC sounds good to me.

    I assume we will follow the "better ball" format. Any thoughts on how we manage parallel threads for OCC and EL. I'd quite like to take part in both. There is a risk of information about the map from one game influencing the other, but I suspect this is not too big a problem. I suspect mainly the information would go from EL to OCC and since the cities wouldn't necessarily be the same, the illicit information wouldn't be very useful. Would it be OK if I promise to play each game with a different half of my brain?

    RJM at Sleeper's
    Fill me with the old familiar juice


    • #17
      I think we all agree on playing OCC from one of Elephant's saves (Elephant....?). People can also play EL if they want.

      I am not sure we've agreed on playing best ball. It is OK with me, since it seems to generate more discussion. On the other hand, there is no clear winner at the end.

      IMO people should state their rule preferences, if any, and the game leader should decide. If Elephant doesn't return soon, maybe somebody else can post a save.


      • #18
        Patience, Iago...

        What's the consensus on format - a straight Comparison game, a "best ball" game, a Succession game? Or shall I just post a start and let everyone do what they want? Some RCC would be nice, perhaps via breakpoints.



        • #19
          Well, I am happy to see that solo is back with us (btw - welcome back!), and I'd be happy to give my vote to him. In case he doesn't want it, I'd prefer comparison with RCC breakpoints, or a best-ball. If we have enough people, I'd prefer best-ball with two teams. Preferably starting within 1-2 days. In case you just wanted a simple answer... well, OK, I vote for comparison + breakpoints.


          • #20
            My vote is for:

            A) discussion of objectives and tactics for current session
            B) independent play of set number of turns or until a specified event
            C) RCC
            D) choose save and repeat.

            This is more or less the format of our recent "better ball" games. I'd prefer a single team (ie no competition between teams for earliest landing). I'd also like separate attempts at OCC and EL with players free to contribute to either.

            RJM at Sleeper's
            Fill me with the old familiar juice


            • #21
              I'll go with what the majority wants.


              • #22
                Best ball was great fun in two teams. The one team version stalled on a strategy issue. This OCC version should work better because of the inherently unified strategy. When it is just a comparison of tactics I find it fascinating to see how others handle the details.


                • #23

                  I can accept any of the proposed formats. Let's go!!


                  • #24
                    If Elephant can give us a definite date that he will post a save, I am willing to wait a little longer. But read the end of the Holiday spoiler, and you may understand my lack of infinite patience.

                    I have never played OCC and don't know what makes an interesting start. I have located 2 saves at CFC we could probably choose from. Both are Emperor level:

                    GOTM16 - 2 out of 3 posted attempts at OCC succeeded. IIRC there's a whale and a coal special visible, plus lots of ocean.

                    GOTM17 - 1 success. It is 4000BC, but the first city has already been placed, with 3-4 specials visible. The save is in scenario mode for some reason. IIRC, Grigor played this GOTM for conquest, but I doubt he remembers the map (2002).

                    I think there are also some old saves attached to the Paulicy, probably all Deity level, but maybe some of you have played those already. Or, I can just create a random map if you want.

                    Any more opinions on the format? I like teams, but we only have 5 players and there is always the danger of drop-outs. As Grigor said, best ball with one team didn't work quite as well, but we could try it again with OCC.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Peaster
                      I have never played OCC and don't know what makes an interesting start. I have located 2 saves at CFC we could probably choose from. Both are Emperor level:

                      GOTM16 - 2 out of 3 posted attempts at OCC succeeded. IIRC there's a whale and a coal special visible, plus lots of ocean.

                      GOTM17 - 1 success. It is 4000BC, but the first city has already been placed, with 3-4 specials visible. The save is in scenario mode for some reason. IIRC, Grigor played this GOTM for conquest, but I doubt he remembers the map (2002).

                      I think there are also some old saves attached to the Paulicy, probably all Deity level, but maybe some of you have played those already. Or, I can just create a random map if you want.

                      Any more opinions on the format? I like teams, but we only have 5 players and there is always the danger of drop-outs. As Grigor said, best ball with one team didn't work quite as well, but we could try it again with OCC.
                      I'd prefer to play deity level and to choose my own site for any city or cities. I don't think we should play in scenario mode. There are differences with the normal game - the way the tech tree operates for example.

                      I think a random map is worth a try. Let's see what we can do with something straight out of the box. But if you do post a random start, I have a strong preference for 2.42.

                      If there is sufficient interest, I'd like to see 2 separate efforts - an EL and an OCC.

                      I suggest you post something for us to look at - we can always change our mind.

                      RJM at Sleeper's

                      PS As for what makes an interesting site; I suspect the best site has 4 rivered specials and the rest rivered grassland This may be difficult to arrange. Ocean is OK but not brilliant. The extra trade arrows early on are useful, but even with the harbour it only gives 2 food and only produces shields very late in the game. Mountains and glaciers are very poor except for a single tile with a special - ie a single gold mountain. Forest or plains are fine, but not in excess. Jungle and swamp are not too bad because they can be transformed early. Desert and tundra are unhelpful, although once again a single tile with a special can be good. The odd hill is OK, but not too many.
                      Last edited by rjmatsleepers; March 24, 2005, 02:32.
                      Fill me with the old familiar juice


                      • #26
                        This shot is from a random start; Normal map, Deity, Germans, 7civs, RHordes, Std.Rules. I revealed the map to check that it's not ridiculously bad for OCC.

                        I like RJM's proposal for rules: best ball, one team. If we get 1-2 more players, maybe we can make 2 teams. I suppose the goal in OCC is simple and clear, but shall we agree that "earlier is better"?
                        Attached Files


                        • #27
                          Here's the save. I suggest we wait 1 more day for the Elephant, and for more opinions on the save and the rules. I suppose OCC goes relatively fast, so shall we play in sets of 30 turns instead of 20 ?

                          If anybody wants to suggest more background reading, or a plan for the first 30 moves, I'd be grateful. For example, how long can you spend looking for a good site?
                          Attached Files


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Peaster
                            Here's the save. I suggest we wait 1 more day for the Elephant, and for more opinions on the save and the rules. I suppose OCC goes relatively fast, so shall we play in sets of 30 turns instead of 20 ?

                            If anybody wants to suggest more background reading, or a plan for the first 30 moves, I'd be grateful. For example, how long can you spend looking for a good site?
                            OK let's leave the save here for a while before playing.

                            In an EL game, I'd be quite happy to place my first city at the starting location, but for an OCC, I guess the first few moves must be to explore the general area to see what the best available site is for our one city. It may be that there is only one reasonable site, or it may be there are several. Anyway, rather than play 30 moves, I suggest we play until we found our city. If we all choose the same site, we can then play on to a specific point. But if there are different choices, we can debate them before moving on.

                            I myself will not be using black-clicking or hut-finder. Do we leave this to personal choice or do we adopt a rule. (I suspect anyone using both of them will be able to spot a good site much more easily than those of us who have to trudge there on foot )

                            RJM at Sleeper's
                            Fill me with the old familiar juice


                            • #29
                              Elephant has started an OCC in a separate thread. I suggest that we start from his save.


                              • #30
                                Agreed, but let's remember this save and come back to it later.

                                RJM at Sleeper's
                                Fill me with the old familiar juice

