This may be covered in the Great Library, but I couldn't find it
When you capture an AI capital, three things can happen:
a) the capital is re-established at another location;
b) the empire splits into 2 warring factions;
c) the AI space ship returns to earth.
I assume the capital is re-established if the civ has enough money to build a new one. Is this correct? How much money do they need? Are there any other conditions?
I assume the empire can only split if there is at least one vacant civilization spot. But does it always happen? Is there a minimum size below which the empire does not split? Are there any other conditions?
I had assumed the AI space ship always returned when the capital was captured, but this is not the case. Apparently, if the empire splits and a new capital is established, they space ship does not need to return. What are the conditions under which capturing an AI capital will bring back the space ship?
These questions are relevant to the situation in the current "Democracy" game, so if you have any contribution, no matter how small, please post it.
RJM at Sleeper's

When you capture an AI capital, three things can happen:
a) the capital is re-established at another location;
b) the empire splits into 2 warring factions;
c) the AI space ship returns to earth.
I assume the capital is re-established if the civ has enough money to build a new one. Is this correct? How much money do they need? Are there any other conditions?
I assume the empire can only split if there is at least one vacant civilization spot. But does it always happen? Is there a minimum size below which the empire does not split? Are there any other conditions?
I had assumed the AI space ship always returned when the capital was captured, but this is not the case. Apparently, if the empire splits and a new capital is established, they space ship does not need to return. What are the conditions under which capturing an AI capital will bring back the space ship?
These questions are relevant to the situation in the current "Democracy" game, so if you have any contribution, no matter how small, please post it.

RJM at Sleeper's