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New Succession Game Spoiler Thread

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  • Sorry to hear you're not feeling well, La Fayette. Though I see it did not interfere with playing the GOTM (or perhaps, playing the GOTM interfered with your health?)...


    • Strategy in the next 20 turns:
      -- learn Maps, build LH (5 turns) (sleeping van, Tyre, Bactra, SSC)
      -- expand to nearby islands to settle the Map
      -- learn Philosophy and Mono, then Banking
      -- build MC with saved vans
      -- save vans for MPE
      == build MPE as late as possible in hopes that the AI knows something on the way to Invention or Banking.
      -- Ultimate goal: Demo (=Banking + Invention), SoL, and Soft Fundy.
      -- It might be nice to get Persepolis to sixe 5 for Xinning.

      Peaster asked a good qustion: approx how long will Fundy, Banking, etc take to pay off compared to the plan of sending out boats ASAP?

      I think that with restarts on, settling the map is as important as wiping out the original civs early. I expect to begin war with the AI only after MPE, which I hope to get by 1AD. Depnding on how far along the AI is, we could get Navigation (Magellans) before Demo/Fundy. Or spend a few turns in Demo before Fundy (my choice) to build up a super productive civ.

      Projected last wipeout: 750AD. Then I playd my turnset...

      500 BC tickle production.
      475 Egyptians dstroyed by Greeks. Herat founded
      450* Daykanus (20) founded
      425 Elephant kills chariot=>vet.
      400 Maps=>Lit.
      325 Vikes nearly done with Pyr. SSC builds LH
      300 Trondheim builds Pyr
      225 Hut: Bampur (21) on another continent.
      200 Lit=>Phil (352). Max beakers: 43. Need a delivered van.
      175 Vikes start Copernicus - they will have Astro for us.
      125 Mongols nearly done with Colossus
      100 Nishapur builds Colossus. Hidden Pheasant mined near Persepolis. Hut: 100g
      25 A truly unwelcome announcement - Athens discovers Philosophy first! Time for a new stratgy. Science to Zero. Hut: Tribe (22)
      1AD Barbs attack trireme - it survives but injured. Hut: Nomads -- at least that luck is good -- Four Vans delivered for MPE. The Plan is to get Philosophy from Greeks, then discover Mono next turn. Science is set to zero and must stay there until we trade for Philosophy. Eight Vans are around for MC. That will make things less dicey, but 16 more vans are necessary for the Statue and Magellan's

      This was not what I expected, and I await other saves, especially from those with different plans. I am used to having the AI get some wonders, but I have not had Philosophy go to an AI first for many years.
      Attached Files


      • Originally posted by atomant

        The game is a blood lust game. We win by conquering the world. How you conquer the world is up to you. Early, late or just before lunch makes no difference.
        Guys, I didn't understand this at the start. And unfortunately, after reading it, the sxn game doesn't interest me very much. I will probably drop out. Also, I guess some of my RCC was probably too harsh, considering that conquering quickly was not the point. No offense intended. Anyway, best of luck to the Persians!


        • OK, my turn set this round. Sorry it is brief, but people had the nasty habit of wanting to interview me for jobs this week. How rude!!!!

          Lots of time was spent building roads and vans.

          500BC Pressed enter
          475BC Egyptians destroyed by greeks, Herat founded
          400BC Dakanyus founded
          300BC Tondheim builds pyramids
          150BC Temple built in parasgade

          and accidently pressed return....

          we discover philosphy, immediately discover horseback riding(?) start researching poly.

          Also note, not huts popped as I wanted to keep tech costs down. One further strategy, to avoid giving techs, is to build great library and take techs from other civs?
          Attached Files
          "the bigger the smile, the sharper the knife"
          "Every now and again, declare peace. it confuses the hell out of your enemies."


          • Originally posted by La Fayette

            Yes, RL (health) did interfere.
            Don't wait for me. I shall be a lurker from now on (at least for the next few turns).
            My friend,
            I hope this is the result of some passing bug and that you quickly get back on top of things. I am finding that life w/o Civ is very bleak, and so, here's to your speedy recovery!!

            so long and thanks for all the fish


            • Monk, best wishes to you, too! La Fayette mentioned in another thread that he had a serious operation recently. AFAIK he is doing OK. I guess he can say more if he wants.

              BTW - In case it wasn't clear, my statement of disinterest was about the goal, rather than the game itself. If anybody is still interested in playing this out, maybe we can talk about new goals/rules. I do not insist on EC, but just conquering "someday" doesn't sound likely to challenge us. Not likely to motivate good discussions of strategy either, IMHO.

              I admit that I am a newbie to sxn games, so maybe I am missing the point here.

