Progress report;
Things are coming along. At the moment, I'm testing for barbarian activity--where, when, how many, etc.
Tweaking the tech tree. A continuing process.
I'm discovering that economic management in primitive political situations is fraught with peril. Trying to run a state or empire in Despotism is more difficult than I remembered. Even so, it's an effective way to recreate the difficulties posed by bronze age conditions.
This scen will start off with a bang. There are MANY barb cities at start, and almost ALL of them are garrisoned by a single unit with a 1 defense. The building of early empires will go fast, and even the AI manages to do pretty well early on in terms of conquest. The Hittites and Babylonians both built large empires immediately after the start of the scenario, and the way that it is set up, that can and usually does happen, no matter who is playing them.
I've had to set up the Greeks as a very special civ, with many advantages, both in terms of units and events, not to mention geography. There may be some complaints that the Greeks are too favored, but after initial testing, the only way for this civ to adhere to any kind of historical accuracy is to arrange things the way that I've done. I've still some event space and a few spare techs, so I'll see if I can come up with some measures that will strike the Greek civ. The "Thera" explosion event is still one that I'm considering, though I'm reluctant to devote an entire terrain slot to a volcano.
If there are any suggestions, now is the time to mention things.
I sure would like to hear from Kull.
Paul, your input about now would be cool.
Things are coming along. At the moment, I'm testing for barbarian activity--where, when, how many, etc.
Tweaking the tech tree. A continuing process.

I'm discovering that economic management in primitive political situations is fraught with peril. Trying to run a state or empire in Despotism is more difficult than I remembered. Even so, it's an effective way to recreate the difficulties posed by bronze age conditions.
This scen will start off with a bang. There are MANY barb cities at start, and almost ALL of them are garrisoned by a single unit with a 1 defense. The building of early empires will go fast, and even the AI manages to do pretty well early on in terms of conquest. The Hittites and Babylonians both built large empires immediately after the start of the scenario, and the way that it is set up, that can and usually does happen, no matter who is playing them.
I've had to set up the Greeks as a very special civ, with many advantages, both in terms of units and events, not to mention geography. There may be some complaints that the Greeks are too favored, but after initial testing, the only way for this civ to adhere to any kind of historical accuracy is to arrange things the way that I've done. I've still some event space and a few spare techs, so I'll see if I can come up with some measures that will strike the Greek civ. The "Thera" explosion event is still one that I'm considering, though I'm reluctant to devote an entire terrain slot to a volcano.
If there are any suggestions, now is the time to mention things.
I sure would like to hear from Kull.
