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Caesar succession game - spoiler

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  • Caesar succession game - spoiler

    OK, I'll start us off.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    OK, I have a try too. Mine is MGE and I had to zip it because it's on a Mac.
    Attached Files


    • #3
      I'm glad we have some eager players !

      But the deadline to sign up is still a few days away.
      Part of the idea of this sxn game is you get to discuss strategy with each other before you play. In this game, you will start out pretty far behind the other civs. You might want to share ideas about how to deal with that - or just discuss how you like to open any game.

      debeest and grigor - you can still post your opening ideas here, if you want, as long as you don't talk yet about what happened in your first 20 moves.

      So far, we have about 3-5 people. We really need more for the idea to work well. Note: players of all abilities are welcome ! Just sign up in my thread, and post your ideas here.


      • #4
        OK, here is what I was thinking at this start:

        Looking at city sizes, I see that the AI is all at size 4. I hope we don't meet them for a while. Wonder status: None yet. We are on continent 14, so we may be able to grow some before they find us. When they do we will prostrate ourselves for peace and hope for the best. Our only exploring unit is a warrior, which should be fine for this small island. Perhaps there will be a hut or two.

        We have alph and some beakers toward CB, but it costs 22, so it is being called tech number 2. Fast early science is a priority. The first step must be Monarchy. Are we in a scenario? If not, what will our off-tech be? Maps, BW, or maybe HB on the way to Poly? Since there is an advanced AI, maybe we need power (fast Chiv).

        I want to found on a river for the extra science. We have 50g, so a Size 1 settler is possible. One idea is to road the silk and connect to where the second city will be placed. There seems to already be a number of forested river squares.

        I think I am ready to start play now. I will try for 4 cities and Monarchy by 3000 BC.


        • #5
          Yes, you are in a scenario, so all techs will be available. You might also see a few curiosities, like a civ with caravels before navigation. But you can generally plan and play like normal civ2. [I did NOT include an events.txt file, etc].


          • #6
            Peaster, I labeled this as a spoiler thread so we COULD talk about what we'd done. But for now, I'll stick to forethought and not hindsight.

            Pretty much what Grigor said, that's mostly what I was thinking. Except that it took me awhile to notice that we had 50 g to start with; that wasn't something that occurred to me as a possibility, so I didn't plan for the single-capital-city-size-1 settler trick.

            And it occurred to me that since we'll be behind in science, we should be able to trade for good stuff if we have anything to trade, so it's really important to learn some tradable techs and really important to get out and meet people one way or another -- so we'll want Marco or maps.

            I looked carefully at the one special in view and examined all of the eight tiles that could, theoretically, be four-special sweet spots. I ruled out five of them because there was no ocean special where there would have had to be one, and I tentatively ruled out two more because in each case there was grass in two of the potential corners (could be two hidden specials, but that seemed unlikely). The eighth one also had a grass in the corner; that could be a hidden special, but I chose to go northeast onto the unshielded grass tile where I could build my capital on the river, with ocean access, and where there might another special further northeast, out of sight.

            Finally, we're a little south of center, so we should explore northward first -- except, I chose to follow the quick transportation downriver instead.


            • #7
              Originally posted by debeest
              Peaster, I labeled this as a spoiler thread so we COULD talk about what we'd done. But for now, I'll stick to forethought and not hindsight.
              OK. The game will probably require at least 2 threads (2.42 and MGE). For now, I am thinking of this one as the MGE thread. If you want it to be mainly for hindsight, that's OK with me. But then we'll need a third thread for "MGE - Forethought" (which seems like a lot of threads to me). I was thinking we could use the same thread for all MGE posts - you'd just have to wait a few days to post the hindsights.


              • #8
                OK by me.


                • #9
                  OK - I made it this time ...

                  Can I post a log yet?
                  Can I look at the other two saves?

                  What am I allowed to do?

                  My effort ...
                  Attached Files
                  "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                  "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                  • #10
                    Welcome SG ! I was expecting that from Dec 16-23, you could discuss strategy with your team mates and play the first 20 turns. Since you three have already done that, the MGE team is a week ahead!

                    I don't see any reason why you can't go ahead and post a log, download your team's saves, and discuss the past, present or future. Your team's next official act is to decide which of the three saves to keep.


                    • #11
                      I started a new thread for our stuff.


                      • #12
                        My log ...

                        Caesar Sxn - MGE Team

                        Decide to use the magic settler trick - hence found on high shield square ...

                        4000 - everyone moves East
                        Chinese start Pyramids ...
                        3950 - found Caesarea, start roading the silk
                        Zulus start Leonardo's!
                        3650 - Ceremonial Burial -> Code of Laws; Settler;
                        Vikings destroyed by Mongrels
                        3600 - Cumae & Neapolis founded
                        3350 - Code of Laws -> Monarchy
                        Mongrels land from a Frigate! - require Alpha given - Peace; Swap Code for Pottery; the Mongrels have: Bronze, Currency, Mysticism, Magnetism & Pottery;
                        Mongrels are the third most advanced - we are the Sixth - surprise!
                        That little exercise has delayed Monarchy by a few turns, but I felt that knowledge of the techs held by the Mongrels was worth the loss...
                        3150 - hut gives Pompeii!
                        3000 - Four cities, Monarchy next turn, two whales & a fish revealed - and there has to be a special either NE or SW of Pompeii - could check using Hutfinder, but wasn't sure whether this was allowed ...

                        "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                        "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit

