I wasn't proposing reading each other's threads, just having a summary "progress to date", maybe with a little spicy commentary to goad us on. The whole idea of a Spoiler is that others may have learned something advantageous that you should not know yet. I like playing in the dark (although this game introduces interesting modifications of that - sometimes my teammate learns something in his parallel play that I did not, which we can both take advantage of in the next round - neat side effect, Peaster!). I anticipate reading the MGE Spoiler with great gusto right after Team242 beats them soundly, despite our limited numbers and fewer posts.
No announcement yet.
Caesar Sxn Game
I like Elephant's idea of posting summaries, except for the fact that I would to have to do it.So, I suggest the players can look at the other team's spoiler thread up to 2 weeks ago. Don't DL their saves, because you might get too much map info that way.
Here's a hasty comparison, with all the accuracy you'd expect from Herodotus...
Team 2.42 (mainly LaF and E)
3000BC - The Romans find an advanced tribe and build 4 cities, with 3 settlers soon. Roman scientists are researching ICS and Three Arrows.
2000BC - They have 8 cities and aim for peaceful trade with England. By comparison, they are quite jealous of the Zulu's, and cast lustful glances at their coastal cities.
1000BC - (best save not chosen yet)
Team MGE (mainly DB, G and SG)
3000BC - 4 cities (IIRC). Roman scientists are researching ways to steal tech from foreign tourists.
2000BC - They have 8 cities with an English chariot in their midst. Stu complains about the English.
1000BC - The Romans have killed the chariot and conquered London, among other cities.
(one 500BC post, so far)
Both teams are collecting foreign advances, trying to capture Wonders, and attacking coastal cities with frigates. Not sure who is ahead.
Your 500BC saves are due Thursday 1/20/05.
Help Needed for Team242
Though I am home for now, I have been "trapped" in hospital since before Christmas. Needless to say, I have not been able to help the lads of Team242 and probably will be of little support for the time being.
Therefore, if someone is lurking and would like to help out, even if only as advisor, they need more "bodies". Thanks....
Monkso long and thanks for all the fish
Progress Report (update to 1000BC saves). At first glance, Team MGE seems ahead...
MGE: 16 cities, 1.0M pop, 20 techs
242: 9 cities , 0.4M pop, 17 techs
However, Team 2.42 hopes trade with England will boost their economy soon, and Team MGE already faces a Zulu nation with gunpowder and Leo's. So, the games are very different, but both teams have good chances.
IIRC both teams have MPE and are planning to capture HG. perhaps by 500BC...
Stu suggests that the next turnset should be 10 turns instead of 20 (500bc to 250bc). If nobody has played past 250bc yet, this is OK with me. But if anybody has done so, or objects within 2 days, let's stick to the original schedule.... 1ad saves due by Thursday.
The Bunnyman joins the fray for Team MGE tonight...Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms
Congratulations to Team 2.42 !!!! [La Fayette, Elephant, Bloody Monk, Old and Slow, in order of appearance]
La Fayette and Elephant both finished in 50BC, about 1500 years earlier than expected !
The MGE Team also did a great job, and really seemed ahead most of the way. Both sides showed great strategy and teamwork. Now you can visit each others spoiler pages and see how close it was.
Congratulations Team 2.42!!
The two programs are very, very similar, but our mutual concern for finding incremental advantages magnified the differences. The 2.42 team exploited the slow AI to keep gunpowder out of the game, and the MGE exploited the aggressive AI to steal techs early.
- I think LF is right about Magellan's being the crucial difference.The MGE team opted for Michelangelo, Democracy, the Statue, and soft Fundy. Had we envisioned the situation more clearly we might have hit on SunTzu and Magellan's, saving 2 caravans and a lot of science. The 2.42 decision to trade was important in that it allowed a smaller number of cities with the same production.
Thanks Peaster!! This was so much fun - I have never thought to stomp and romp with frigates, but they are even successful (in sufficient numbers) against walled vet musketeers! And a frigate carrying a warrior takes out coastal AI cities in 1 very satisfying turn.